The Rock In Film Sequels (Video) And Odds To Win Presidency, WWE Stars Invading Hollywood
- Along with making the cover of GQ's annual Comedy Issue, The Rock did a video with the magazine where he talks to his agent about his next part in a film sequel. The films include Goodfellas, Home Alone, The Revenant, and Napoleon Dynamite. The video above is NSFW due to language.
- According to F4WOnline's Daily Update, the gambling site,, has set odds on The Rock becoming the next U.S. President at 80-to-1. In comparison, some of the other favorites include: Donald Trump (11-to-4), Mike Pence (6-to-1), Michelle Obama (14-to-1), and Bernie Sanders (20-to-1).
- Bloomberg ran a story on the influx of wrestling stars heading to Hollywood in recent years. The article includes: The Rock, Batista, John Cena, and how WWE Studios has been involved in over 40 films since it began in 2002.