Eric Bischoff Reunites With Former WWE Star (Photo), Xavier Woods - Jump Scares (Video), Kevin Owens
- Above Xavier Woods kicked off a new "Jump Scares" series with the video game, Outlast 2. Xavier gets a good scare around the 11:45 mark.
- Kevin Owens will be at the H-E-B plus! Store at 4100 South New Braunfels Ave, San Antonio, Texas at 11am on July 11. Availability is limited and wristbands will be provided to the first 200 fans for autographs and photo opportunities.

- Eric Bishoff reunited with Nick Dinsmore, who was formerly known as Eugene and Eric's "Nephew" during their time with WWE. Bischoff is making an appearance tonight at Dinsmore's Midwest All Pro Map Mania event.
Like uncle; like nephew and blood is thicker than water. @EBischoff @MidwestAllPro #MAPMania @IconLounge
? Eugene Nick Dinsmore (@UGeneDinsmore) July 7, 2017