WWE NXT Results (7/26): Itami Vs. Ohno, Moon Wants Asuka, Dreamy Elbow Drops, SAnitY Attacks AOP
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Tonight's episode features a match between a distraught Hideo Itami and his former partner and friend Kassius Ohno.
Catch up on everything YOU need to know about tonight's episode of @WWENXT with @catherinekelley as @KassiusOhno takes on @HideoItami! pic.twitter.com/LAuoFe3c2t
? WWE (@WWE) July 26, 2017
- Mauro Ranallo and the crew welcomes us to the show and runs down tonight's card including our Ohno vs. Itami main event. We'll also hear from new #1 Contender Drew McIntyre. Let's head to the ring for our first match.
Ember Moon vs. Lei'D Tapa
Lei'D Tapa with the obvious size advantage. Tapa with a big shot right at the bell and Moon is reeling. Tapa gloats for a bit and Moon able to regroup. She gets the boot up as Tapa goes for a corner attack. She turns what looks to be a Tornado DDT into a sweet suplex and nip up to boot. She then hits another kick to prep for her finisher. The Eclipse hits it's mark and it's a victory for moon.
Winner via Pinfall: Ember Moon
- After the match, Moon talks about Asuka wanting worthy competition and says she'll give Asuka all she desires. Moon wants Asuka at TakeOver Brooklyn. She says she's ready for Asuka, but is Asuka ready for Ember Moon?
- A quick look at the Twitter war between Roderick Strong and NXT Champion Bobby Roode. We'll also see the Authors of Pain in action later tonight.
Damon Ramos & Timothy Bumpers vs. Authors of Pain
As AOP makes their entrance, Nikki Cross appears to block the ramp. Killian Dain and Alexander Wolfe attack the jobbers from behind to send a message to AOP. Akam and Rezar head past Cross and attacks SAnitY. AOP gets the best of the exchange after a fairly physical altercation. Nikki Cross plays leader to call off her comrades and head back up the ramp to live to fight another day.
- Vignette for the Street Profits, Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins.
- A look back at Andrade "Cien" Almas situation with Thea Trinidad, now known as Zolita Vega. She confronts No Way Jose as he arrived earlier today. Although she says she admires that he stands up for what's right, Jose has messed in their business and lit a fire under Almas that you can't dance around.
Velveteen Dream vs. Cezar Bononi
Definitely the biggest test for Dream at least from an opponent's size and build. Dream goes right to work on the big man with clubbing forearms, chops, and kicks. Bononi blocks a kick and lands some haymaker right hands. Atomic drop and drop kick takes Dream down. His offense is short-lived, as Dream resets with a reversal of a slam into a Death Valley Bomb. Flying elbow dubbed the Purple Rain Maker from Dream for the win.
Winner via Pinfall: Velveteen Dream
- After the match, Kayla Braxton interview Dream on the ramp. Although he gives minor props to Braxton, he says the ugly NXT Universe doesn't deserve an interview with the Dream.
- Christy St. Cloud interview Mr. Regal in his office and asks about the Ember/Asuka story line. Mr. Regal makes the match official for NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn III for the NXT Women's Championship.
- Drew McIntyre comes out to the ring for a promo. McIntyre says he and Roode will main event Brooklyn. He thanks those who have been on this journey with him. He says he once was known as the "Chosen One" and expected to have everything handed to him. He then says he then failed due to lack of hard work, that it wasn't until he left WWE that he figured it out. He's not only the hardest worker in the room now, but in the world. He says he signed with NXT because everyone in the locker room are equals and work hard. All except for one man: Bobby Roode. He says he sees entitlement in Bobby Roode and this isn't Roode's NXT, but everyone's NXT. He gets the crowd to stand with him and says this is "our" NXT.
- Multiple vignettes for Aleister Black during the episode.
- Bobby Roode responds to McIntyre next week.
- Johnny Gargano makes his in-ring return next week against Raul Mendoza. Braxton interviews the suit clad Mendoza, who says next week might not be about Gargano's return, but Mendoza's debut.
Kassius Ohno vs. Hideo Itami
Reversals early on as they feel each other out in a bit of mat-based wrestling. Kick to the midsection of Ohno, which just fires up the Knockout Artist. Itami whips Ohno to the ropes, but Ohno catches himself. He tries to reverse into a kick off of Itami's charge, but Hideo catches it and hits a guillotine neck breaker instead. We go to our first break of the match.
We're back and Itami still in control. Stiff kicks are on the menu and Ohno won't be asking for dessert. Itami gloating a bit and working well as a heel. Neck breaker and nonchalant cover for a short count. Rear chin lock from Itami as the crowd gets Ohno back into the match. Knees and boots into the back and kidney area leave Ohno writhing in pain. Ohno seemingly getting more fired up with each kick to his sternum. After another submission, Ohno works his way back up but the comeback doesn't prevail. Itami heads up top for a flying nothing and gets a knife edge chop for his trouble. Clotheslines and a shining wizard combo followed by a spinning big boot only gets a two count. Senton from Ohno for another two. Itami regains advantage and hits his diving drop kick to the corner where Ohno lays motionless. The first GTS is on Itami's shoulders, but Ohno fights out. Another big kick from Ohno leaves Itami no choice but a low blow kick. The official calls for the bell, but that doesn't make Itami stop the beat down.
Winner via DQ: Kassius Ohno
- Itami hits the GTS but Ohno doesn't go down, so a second one is in order. Itami heads to leave, but the crowd savagely wants one more GTS, and Itami obliges, this time having Ohno's head landing on the steel steps. Itami proudly heads out of the arena to end the show.