GFW Announcer Talks Kurt Angle Injuring Him On Impact Wrestling In 2008

Global Force Wrestling ring announcer David Penzer was a guest on the Wrestling Inc. Podcast on Wednesday where he talked about getting injured by Kurt Angle on a 2008 episode of Impact Wrestling.

For those that do not remember the 2008 story, Penzer was struck in the face by Angle's shoe and had the Ankle Lock applied on him. His face was extremely swollen from the spot and he was replaced by another announcer.


"I can't give away too much because I've been building it up on my own podcast," Penzer told the Wrestling Inc. Podcast. "Me and Jeff Jarrett are going to talk about it in detail the next time we're at the Global tapings.

"I mean, it was written out, it was planned," explained Penzer. "I had a company back in the day, I still have it now, it's Seasonal Now. I was at a trade show in Orlando actually that day and I got to the TV like an hour before. I normally would have been there all day for the production meeting and all that and found out, so we didn't really have time to go through it. So it probably was one of the reasons.

"But look, Kurt lays stuff in. Most of the athletes he competes against, they just take it because they're athletes," said Penzer. "I'm a 5'6 non-athletic SOB who was pushing 40-something at the time and so I looked like the elephant man on both sides of my face for about a week and a half."


"Whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, right? And I got a bonus for it," continued Penzer. owner Raj Giri asked Penzer if he and Kurt still talk today and if he apologized for it.

"Yeah, we still joke about it when I see him," said Penzer. "I do stuff with the Legends of Wrestling. We did a big show in Shea Stadium and we do different kind of events all over the country for sports franchises and radio stations and stuff like that.

"Before Kurt went back to WWE, we would use Kurt for appearances and stuff and we'd always joke about it and stuff like that," said Penzer. "He's a super nice guy and he certainly didn't mean to do it, he didn't do it on purpose. It was just one of those things where he lays stuff in and he laid it in a little bit and caught the wrong spot and my face exploded."

You can listen to Penzer explain the blown spot at the 15:20 mark in the video embedded above. If you use any quotes from this article, please be sure to credit the Wrestling Inc. Podcast.

The Wrestling Inc. Podcast airs post-WWE PPV Sundays immediately following the event with Matt Morgan, Glenn Rubenstein and Raj Giri. On Mondays immediately following WWE RAW with Matt Morgan, Glenn Rubenstein and Raj Giri and on Wednesdays at Noon ET with Raj Giri and Glenn Rubenstein. Episodes episodes are available by clicking here.


