GFW Star Injured At AAA TripleMania XXV

PWinsider is reporting that Rosemary was injured at last night's AAA Triplemania XXV. At the end of the match, Sexy Star popped Rosemary's arm out of place while applying her armbar submission.

The injury is said to not be that serious, and Rosemary is not expected to be out of action for too long.

It was noted that Lady Shani and Star were legitimately shooting on each other at one point during the match. The backstage scene was said to be "extremely tense." Star left the arena, but was brought back by Vampiro and she apologized to Rosemary. Star then quickly left again.

Shani was still upset after the match and was reportedly looking for Star backstage to finish what they started.

Full AAA TripleMania XXV results are here.

