How Old Is Vince McMahon Today?, Charlotte's First Appearance Since Ric Flair's Health Scare, Owens

- A very Happy Birthday to WWE CEO Vince McMahon, who turns 72 years old today.

- Charlotte Flair will be making her first appearance since Ric Flair was hospitalized last week at Wizard World Comic Con Chicago, which starts today at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center. Roman Reigns, The Hardy Boyz and Alexa Bliss will also be appearing and will greet fans, pose for photo ops, sign autographs and conduct interactive fan Q&A's during their respective appearances.

Reigns and Bliss will attend today (Reigns 5-8 p.m., Alexa Bliss 6-9 p.m.); Flair will appear on Friday, August 25 (4-7 p.m.); and Jeff and Matt Hardy can be seen on Saturday, August 26 from 4-7 p.m. You can get more information at this link.

- Kevin Owens was also scheduled to appear at Wizard World Comic Con Chicago on Friday, however had to back out of the appearance this week. Owens posted the following, noting that his cancellation had nothing to do with Wizard World, but was due to "bad timing":

