Update On Brandi Rhodes' GFW Status, Gail Kim Making Rare Indy Appearance, Sonjay Dutt Speaks Out
- Following a report that Brandi Rhodes is no longer listed by Global Force Wrestling as an active Knockout on its official website, it is now confirmed that she is no longer with the organization.
According to the latest issue of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Rhodes was recently released from her contract. It is not clear whether GFW opted to release her, or she asked to be let go.
A big reason for her departure is that she's being filmed for a non-wrestling television show in Atlanta, Georgia and GFW weren't cooperative about it. Rhodes debuted for Ring of Honor last Saturday and the promotion is more than willing to work with her on the show.
- In this video, GFW X Division Champion Sonjay Dutt talks about his journey through wrestling and what motivates him outside of it.
- Gail Kim, who recently announced on Impact Wrestling that she will be retiring at the end of 2017, is making a rare independent wrestling appearance on Saturday, August 12 for Pro Wrestling Blitz in Romeoville, Illinois. She will be wrestling Taya Valkyrie.
This Saturday, she will be appearing at the Sac Pop Culture Expo at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center in Sacramento, California.
Come see me this Sat at the Sacramento pop culture expo and next weekend vs @TheTayaValkyrie for @BLITZwrestling ????????? pic.twitter.com/MtuTrug2NG
? Gail Kim-Irvine (@gailkimITSME) August 3, 2017
Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
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