WWE SummerSlam: Big Show Vs. Big Cass

Big Show vs. Big Cass

Back from a break and we see the shark cage in the middle of the ring. Out comes Enzo Amore. He cuts a promo and speaks for a few minutes until the music interrupts and out comes Big Cass. Enzo is placed into the shark cage and raised above the ring. Big Show is out next.


Show takes Cass to the corner and works him over. Show sells the arm injury angle and switches to his left hand to beat Cass down. Enzo cheers on Show from the shark cage. Show keeps up the attack on Cass, delivering a big chop in the corner. Enzo continue to run his mouth as Show works Cass around the ring.

Show delivers a side slam but comes down hard on his bad hand. Show keeps control and goes to the corner for a Vader Bomb but he's slow due to the cast on his hand. Show moves the bomb as Cass rolls out of the way. Cass charges but Show barely hits a knockout punch for a 2 count. Cass ends up making a comeback by targeting the injured hand. Cass stomps on the hand and stalks Show around the ring. Cass applies an armbar now.


Cass keeps control and it sounds like fans might be chanting "boring" at the match. Cass stands tall but fans boo him. Show goes back to using his left hand and turns it around. Show goes on and manages to hit a big chokeslam but Cass still kicks out at 2. Cass goes to the floor as Show recovers. Show tries to pull Cass back in the ring but Cass fights back, slamming the injured hand into the ring post. Cass fights back into the ring as Enzo starts trying to escape from the shark cage.

Enzo takes off his pants and hopes that he will be able to fit between the bars now. Cass continues working Show over. Enzo is oiling himself up now. Cass looks up and sees that Enzo has made it out of the cage now. Enzo drops down to the ring but Cass immediately floors him with a big boot. Cass waits for Show and nails him with a big boot but Show manages to kick out at 2.

Show gets up but Cass hits him with another big boot. Cass drops the Empire Elbow for the pin.

Winner: Big Cass

After the match, Cass stands tall as his music plays. Cass talks trash to the crowd and stands tall as we see Show and Enzo down on the mat.

This is from our live coverage of WWE SummerSlam. To access our full SummerSlam coverage, click here.


