GFW Star Bram Responds To Past Domestic Charges Costing Him Indie Booking

In 2015, GFW star Bram was arrested on domestic violence charges. These charges, which also included the charge of false imprisonment, caused him to be indefinitely suspended by the company. Ultimately, the state attorney declined to press charges against Bram.

Prior to that, Bram, whose real name is Thomas Latimer, was under contract with the WWE and married to Charlotte Flair, and lost his job with WWE as a result of assaulting a police officer.

Unfortunately, in 2017 — two years after the initial domestic assault arrest took place — Bram's past has come back to haunt him: the Over The Top Rope wrestling event in Ireland, which was due to feature the fallen superstar, has decided to cancel his booking after fans expressed outrage about his presence.

Naturally, that prompted Bram to issue a statement about the situation.

"Seeing as certain fans feel like campaigning against my ability to make a living, I feel I have no choice but to set the record straight," he wrote on his Twitter page.

"I was falsely accused of, and charged with, domestic violence. All charges were dropped after it became clear that it was a deliberately false accusation for the sole purpose of adversely affecting my career and my profile. It worked.

"The media, of course, only ran the arrest and the accusation, and not the subsequent dropped charges. As such, I have a tainted reputation. I was given the option to press charges myself, which I declined, preferring to simply move on and put it behind me. I am not perfect, but I have absolutely never been violent towards a woman. If I am guilty of anything, it's making poor choices of the company I kept in the past."

Bram went on to slam the fans by saying, "unfortunately, fans who think they are the most informed seem to have trouble deciphering Tom Latimer from Bram, the character, and have made their feelings well known. Promoters with whom I've had professional relationships are now compelled to acquiesce to these unfair demands, which harms my ability to make a living.

"Have I always been a model employee? No. But in my opinion, I have never done anything to warrant the kind of hateful rhetoric that I saw today. I'm sorry you feel that way about me — I take full responsibility for making bad decisions, and occasionally being a drunk idiot, but just let it be known that I never physically harmed a woman. I hope that the social justice warriors out there calling for my head never get falsely accused of something that never goes away. Thank you to all that support me and understand the truth, and in the meantime, I will continue to move forward and try to be better."

