Spoilers: WWE NXT Tapings For Tonight

Remember to join us tonight at 8pm EST for our live Viewing Party.

* Johnny Gargano defeated Tino Sabbatelli (w/Riddick Moss). Same format as the match Johnny had with Riddick earlier. Johnny wins with the Gargano Escape


* Bianca BelAir defeated Lacey Evans. Bianca dominated the match. She gets win with an inverted powerbomb after her trademark hair whip spot

* Lars Sullivan defeated No Way Jose. Lars just destroyed Jose the whole match. Brutal spots with Jose getting tossed around outside the ring and on the apron. Jose tries to fight back but Lars flattens him. Lars hits a diving headbutt and his sidearm powerslam for the win.

* Kyle O'Reilly and Bobby Fish (w/Adam Cole) defeated Trent Seven and Tyler Bate. Good match. Fish and O'Reilly dominate early. Fish spears Seven into the barricade at ringside. Trent hits a suicide dive on Fish. Tyler goes for the Tyler Driver 97, but Kyle reverses it into a guillotine. Bobby & Kyle hit Chasing the Dragon but Tyler gets his foot on the rope. Trent gets the tag and runs wild, locking Kyle in a half crab, but Fish nails a kick. Cole superkicks Bate at ringside, allowing Fish and O'Reilly to hit their new finisher, a leg sweep/heel kick combo for the pin. Post match, NXT Champion Drew McIntyre comes out, but the Cole trio bails into the crowd. As they try to exit, SAnitY appears behind them and attacks, brawling until Cole & Co. retreat through the crowd

