Title Change At Tonight's GFW Impact (Videos)
Trevor Lee won the GFW X Division Championship against Sonjay Dutt at tonight's episode of GFW Impact. This is Trevor Lee's third time winning the title. Sonjay Dutt won it back in May during an episode of Impact.
Be sure to follow our live coverage of tonight's show!
You can check out the title change in the videos above and below:
.@sonjaydutterson would like you to have a seat. #IMPACTonPOP pic.twitter.com/Uusjx6IhYa
? TDE Wrestling (@totaldivaseps) September 15, 2017
Bullseye! #IMPACTonPOP pic.twitter.com/RiuuIOQ9Rv
? TDE Wrestling (@totaldivaseps) September 15, 2017
He's still running away with the #XTitle, but this time he earned it.@TLee910 is the new #XDivision Champion! #IMPACTonPop pic.twitter.com/gQQPh1Anjq
? IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) September 15, 2017