WWE 205 Live Results (9/26): Enzo Amore Attacks Neville, Match Set For Next Week, Drew Gulak

Welcome to our live coverage of WWE 205 Live, exclusively on the WWE Network! Join us immediately following SmackDown at 10pm ET. Be sure to leave your feedback in the comments section, share our coverage of tonight's episode through social media, and REFRESH for the most up to date coverage.


- We open with a recap of Enzo's celebration and (despite a no-contact clause) destruction at the hands of Neville from last night's Raw.

- Vic Joseph and Byron Saxton welcome us in as we get Enzo heading out right off the bat.

- Enzo comes out in a good mood, despite needing a crutch to make his way down the ramp. Crowd with a "We want Neville!" chant as Enzo slowly makes his way into the ring, shoulder wrapped up. He calls himself a star and champion, despite getting beat up time after time and he never takes a day off. "I'm the reason why people are staying up late on Tuesday nights!" He then addresses Neville, saying he feels bad for him because every single day he has to wake up and look in the mirror, crowd didn't laugh, he let them know that was the punch line, "He's ugly." That got a chuckle.


We then see what happened after Raw when Braun Strowman entered the ring and decimated Enzo, the entire Cruiserweight division followed and got a piece of Enzo, too. Back in the ring, the crowd chants "You deserve it!" Enzo talked about how his Mother was in the crowd at Raw and cried at the sight of him getting beat up. Enzo said he can put his title on ice though because he had a clause that if anyone put their hands on him, they forfeit an opportunity at his title. Since the entire division did, it's going to be awhile before he has to defend it. He got in a few more shots at Neville's looks and headed out of the ring.

- Later tonight, Ariya Daivari vs. Neville.

- Backstage, we see Drew Gulak (with his "No chant" sign) headed to the ring.

Akira Tozawa vs. Tony Nese

Drew Gulak joined commentary as we get this match started. Nese stalls things early on to show off his physique, Tozawa instead gets the crowd chanting "Ah!" Gulak is so bothered by how much time Tozawa wastes engaging the crowd and climbing to the top rope. Nese is able to stop his opponent's climb, kick him up and on his shoulders, slamming him down, pin, two-count. Gulak said Tozawa is helping the crowd become mindless sheep and he's not making a better 205 Live. Nese gets Tozawa in the tree of woe position, does some crunches and kicks away at a helpless Tozawa. Nese really slowing things down, keeping Tozawa grounded, he then picks him up and dumps Tozawa against the ropes, pin, two.


Tozawa able to work his way back into the match, big chops to the chest, hurricanrana, side suplex, goes for a pin and only gets two. Tozawa heads up to the top, but Nese bounces out of the ring, Tozawa jumped down and nails him with a suicide dive. Gulak yells at Tozawa for his awful in-ring work. Back and forth strikes, multiple counters, Nese finally tries for a pin, gets two, and big kick to the face. Tozawa heads to the top and hits a senton splash, pin, 1-2-3! Gulak is not happy at all with this outcome as he stares Tozawa down.

Winner: Akira Tozawa via Pinfall

- Post-match, Gulak rings the alarm with his megaphone as he parades around the ring. He then stops and apologizes before doing it again. He jumps in the ring with a mic and says Tozawa is breaking his rules for a better 205 Live. Gulak then continues on his Power Point presentation, "No Celebrating." Gulak hopes for a new show where wrestlers shake hands before and after matches, without celebrating or doing "Ah!" chants. He calls the crowd mindless sheep and says they might as well be chanting "Bah! Bah!" Tozawa has enough and kicks him out of the ring. Gulak looks on in anger.

- Backstage, we see Enzo talking to his title. Daivari stops him and says he's sorry for what happened on Raw. Enzo says he doesn't accept it. Daivari says Enzo is an original and he's amazing! The only reason he got involved was due to peer pressure and it was all Neville's plan. Enzo feels like Daivari is trying to butter him up. Daivari continues on and says Enzo could be a big star, even outside of the WWE and wants to be Enzo's friend. Enzo gets it, but thinks Daivari needs to earn his stripes before he could trust him. Daivari invites him to watch his match against Neville later tonight to show how sincere he is, Enzo does him one better and agree to be in his corner. Daviari shakes his hand and says "How you doin'?" Enzo gets in his face, "Never say that again."


- Up next was TJ Perkins vs. Lince Dordado, but before Dorado can even get to the ring, Rich Swann flies into it and attacks Perkins. Slamming TJP's head into the turnbuckle, Swann goes for a spinning kick, but TJP runs out of the ring and through the crowd.

- Recap of last week's match between Cedric Alexander and The Brian Kendrick, post-match Jack Gallagher destroyed Alexander. Next week will be Cedric Alexander vs. Jack Gallagher

- Backstage, Jack and Kendrick are hanging out. Kendrick says why are him and Gallagher now teaming up? Rather than talk about it, they will just show everyone how cruel they can be towards Alexander.

Neville vs. Ariya Daivari

Neville is out first and take the mic for a moment. "I have heard what everybody is saying, that yesterday, I acted irrationally, that I am descending into madness! Well, please let me have the opportunity to explain myself." He continues on that he knew exactly what he was doing and it was the best night of his life. He understanding that he forfeit his title opportunity, but he simply doesn't care and will do it again and again. He calls Enzo a "talentless little rat" and he won't let 205 Live devolve because of him. Out comes Enzo, followed by Ariya Daivari.


Neville immediately runs to the outside to go after Enzo, but Daivari attacks from behind, throwing him into the barricade a few times. Action back in the ring, quick pin by Daivari, only a one count. Daivari with a big backbreaker and asks how Enzo liked that. Enzo is nonstop on the outside with the smack talking as Neville tries to get at him. Enzo getting right in Neville's face as he's on his back. Neville tries to fight back, but gets put into a tree of woe in the corner, reverse cutter. Neville is getting destroyed in this one thus far.

Neville is finally able to get back in this one, momentarily getting rid of Daivari, he jumps outside again to face Enzo, Daivari with a baseball slide. Action back in the ring, Neville locks in Rings of Saturn in the middle of the ring and Daivari taps out.

Winner: Neville via Submission

- Post-match, Enzo immediately jumps Neville from behind and whacks him with the crutch over and over again. He jumps on Neville throwing punches and elbows as he continues to talk trash right in his face. Refs gets involved and finally push him away. "Oh, you want this!?" He yells as he holds the title out, the crowd is booing Enzo and he yells "Oh, you don't want to cheer now?" and mocks their earlier "You deserve it!" chant at Neville as he heads to the back.

