Dolph Ziggler Takes Shot At James Ellsworth's WWE Release, Daniel Bryan Note, DDP, Legends Dinner

- ABC News posted the story above about WWE Hall of Famer Diamond Dallas Page paying a surprise visit to army veteran Buddy Rich, who lost 125 pounds using DDP YOGA. Rich's weight ballooned to over 300 pounds after his hip and legs were crushed in a semi-truck accident in 2011. Rich went into a suicidal depression before trying DDP YOGA, and has since regained a lot of his mobility.

"I can't believe the dude who like changed my life is in front of me," said Rich. "It's unbelievable."

- The Clock Tower Grill in Brrewster, NY will host a "Smackdown Dinner" with WWE legends King Kong Bundy and Jimmy Hart. You can get more details at

- has photos and videos here from Daniel Bryan's appearance at the Devils vs. Oilers hockey game last week.

- Dolph Ziggler took an in-character shot at James Ellsworth's WWE release. Ziggler wrote on Twitter:

