Former WWE IC Champion At BFG, Wrestlers Debut At Bound For Glory, Alberto El Patron Returns

- Tonight at Bound for Glory, Alberto El Patron made his return to Impact Wrestling, cutting a promo about how the company initially said he was amazing, but left him hanging after his "incident." He talked about how they stripped the title away, he called them cowards in the back, and more specifically, Jeremy Borash for not calling or checking on him while he was gone. Patron teased returning later on in the show.

- During the oVe vs. LAX 5150 Street Fight, Sami Callihan made his debut with Impact by helping Dave and Jake Crist retain their tag titles. Jimmy Jacobs also debuted tonight. He headed to commentary, Josh Mathews and Jeremy Borash were confused and told him he doesn't work at Impact, he responded that's what they think and took off.

- Former WWE Star, Santino Marella, was shown in the crowd at tonight's PPV, looked like he was just taking in tonight's event.

