Eva Marie On Being An Alcoholic And Spending Months In Jail For DUIs

Former WWE Superstar Eva Marie has penned a new blog on alcoholism and addiction for InStyle.com. You can see the full article at this link.

"I'm an alcoholic," she wrote. "I have relapsed, destroyed relationships, hurt my family, and disappointed myself numerous times. I will be an alcoholic for the rest of my life. The fact that I have been sober for almost five years doesn't mean that I am 'cured,' it doesn't mean that I had a drinking phase in my 20s, and it doesn't mean that I can have a few drinks now and again or just drink in moderation. There are no shades of gray when it comes to alcoholism?it's black and white. Either I am an alcoholic or I am not. Working a program doesn't mean my past magically disappears and everything is fine. Unfortunately, nothing of note in life is that simple or easy. Yet the road to my recovery did start with a very simple admission: I am an alcoholic. And admitting that truth saved my life."


Marie wrote about how bad things had gotten, noting that she spent three months in jail due to a series of DUIs.

"Before I started working my 12-step program, my mind was a mess, my life was a mess, and I'd hit rock bottom. I served three months in jail for repeated DUIs. I didn't have a license, I didn't have a stable job, and I was living in an apartment that I could only afford due to a heavy discount my landlord offered me because a murder had taken place there between the previous tenants. That's what my life looked like right before I started down my road to sobriety."

You can read her full blog post here. Eva also took to Instagram and posted on how hard it was to open up for the blog:


It was difficult to open up publicly about my Alcoholism and recovery, but I'm very happy I did. CLICK LINK IN BIO to read the entire article.
One thing I've realized over the years is that alcoholism affects an incredible amount of people, yet there is still a sense of embarrassment or shame when an alcoholic or family member of an alcoholic wants to talk about their disease. I used to be incredibly embarrassed, so much so that I avoided getting help because I felt like only "weak" people can't handle something on their own and I was embarrassed that people would judge me and look at me negatively.

I am so happy I no longer feel this way, and I want to encourage anyone who is struggling with addiction to take that first step of asking for help, it will literally save your life.
To those starting a program, stick with it, your life won't magically transform over night, there will be extreme highs and extreme lows, the chances are you will relapse at least once, but Don't quit, keep pushing forward no matter how hard it gets. I PROMISE you it's worth it in the end.

It was difficult to open up publicly about my Alcoholism and recovery, but I'm very happy I did. CLICK LINK IN BIO to read the entire article.???? – One thing I've realized over the years is that alcoholism affects an incredible amount of people, yet there is still a sense of embarrassment or shame when an alcoholic or family member of an alcoholic wants to talk about their disease. I used to be incredibly embarrassed, so much so that I avoided getting help because I felt like only "weak" people can't handle something on their own and I was embarrassed that people would judge me and look at me negatively. I am so happy I no longer feel this way, and I want to encourage anyone who is struggling with addiction to take that first step of asking for help, it will literally save your life. – To those starting a program, stick with it, your life won't magically transform over night, there will be extreme highs and extreme lows, the chances are you will relapse at least once, but Don't quit, keep pushing forward no matter how hard it gets. I PROMISE you it's worth it in the end. #WeGotThisOneDayAtATime ????????#GODISTHEGREATEST


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Source: In Style

