ROH Episode 335 Recap: The Bullet Club Defends Against SCU, Brandi Rhodes In Action

So Cal Uncensored's Christopher Daniels and Scorpio Sky are briefly shown backstage to kick off the show. Daniels hypes tonight's Six-Man Tag Title match. Daniels talks about the crowd chanting SCU.

Bullet Club's ROH Six-Man Tag-Team Champions Adam Page and The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) are briefly shown backstage. Page talks about breaking all six legs of his opponents as well as their arms, their backs and their necks. Matt and Nick calm Page down before talking about BTE being drug free.


Ian Riccaboni and Colt Cabana check in on commentary after the usual ROH signature video package. Flip Gordon and Jay Lethal make their entrances.

Flip Gordon vs. Jay Lethal

Lethal locks in a headlock, Gordon sends him to the ropes. Lethal hits a shoulder block on Gordon. Gordon blocks a Cutter attempt by Lethal with a handstand. They lock up. Gordon locks in a headlock on Lethal heading into a commercial break.

Lethal and Gordon eventually exchange strikes. Lethal takes Gordon to the mat. Gordon kicks Lethal. Lethal goes for the Figure Four, Gordon rolls him up for a two count. Lethal kicks Gordon in the midsection. Lethal goes for his Lethal Injection finisher, Gordon hits a Springboard Sling-blade from the second rope. Gordon hits the Samoan Pop on Lethal. Gordon kicks Lethal in the face. Gordon pins Lethal for a two count. Lethal blocks a Superplex attempt by Gordon. Lethal locks in the Figure Four, Gordon gets to the ropes. Gordon connects with a knee strike to the face of Lethal. Gordon slips on an attempted Springboard from the second rope. Lethal hits a Dragon Suplex on Gordon. Lethal hits his Lethal Injection finisher on Gordon. Lethal pins Gordon for the win.


Winner: Jay Lethal

Colt Cabana informs Jay Lethal about his upcoming World Championship opportunity after the match. Lethal will challenge Dalton Castle at the 16th Anniversary Show. Lethal talks about becoming a Two-Time World Champion. Marty Scurll interrupts and talks about not receiving any opportunities in Ring Of Honor. Lethal reminds Scurll that he beat him at Final Battle. Scurll challenges Lethal to a World Title match if Lethal beats Castle. Lethal says that after he beats Dalton Castle, he would have no problem beating Scurll again.

A highlight video package is shown on Brandi Rhodes and Karen Q hyping their match in the Women Of Honor Tournament.

Karen Q and Brandi Rhodes make their entrances.

Women Of Honor Championship Tournament Match:
Brandi Rhodes vs. Karen Q

Karen attacks Brandi from behind. Karen strikes Brandi several times. Brandi hits an arm-drag on Karen. Brandi dropkicks Karen. Karen sends Brandi face-first into the second turnbuckle. Karen stomps on Brandi several times in the corner. Karen hits a Back-Handspring into a forearm on Brandi. Karen hits a Northern Lights Suplex on Brandi heading into a commercial break.

Late in the match, Brandi chops Karen several times. Brandi hits a Sling-blade on Karen. Brandi pins Karen for a two count. Karen dodges an attack attempt by Brandi in the corner. Karen runs towards Brandi, Brandi connects with an elbow to Karen. Karen dodges a dropkick attempt by Brandi. Karen locks in a Boston Crab on Brandi. Brandi gets to the ropes. Karen sends Brandi to toward the corner. Brandi feigns an ankle injury before rolling Karen up for the win.


Winner: Brandi Rhodes

ROH World Champion Dalton Castle and The Boys are shown backstage. Marty Scurll confronts Castle. Scurll reminds Castle of when he beat him previously. Scurll challenges Castle to a World Title match if Castle can get past Jay Lethal. Castle says he doesn't think Scurll knows what he's asking for. Scurll says he just wants Castle to think about it.

So Cal Uncensored's Scorpio Sky & The Addiction (Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian) make their entrance. Bullet Club's ROH Six-Man Tag Team Champions Adam Page & The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) make their entrance.

ROH Six-Man Tag Team Championship Match:
Bullet Club (Adam Page, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) (c) vs. So Cal Uncensored (Scorpio Sky, Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian)

Page and Kazarian start the match. They exchange strikes. Kazarian ducks a clothesline attempt by Page before kicking him. Kazarian sends Page to the corner. Page clotheslines Kazarian. Page strikes Kazarian several times. Sky and Daniels come into the ring and attack Page before attacking Matt and Nick as well to take them off the apron. Sky and Daniels stomp on Page. Matt and Nick come back into the ring. Matt and Nick dropkick Sky and Daniels. Matt hits a neck-breaker on Daniels as Nick hits a back-breaker on him simultaneously. Matt assists Nick in hitting a Cutter on Sky. Page dropkicks Kazarian as he hits a moonsault on Daniels. Matt, Page and Nick hit simultaneous Suicide Dives on their opponents. Page rolls Kazarian back into the ring. Page clotheslines Kazarian. Daniels breaks up a pin attempt by Page on Kazarian. Page hits Daniels with a forearm. Kazarian hits a jawbreaker on Page. Page connects with a boot to Sky. Matt eventually locks in a Sharpshooter on Daniels. Nick hits a moonsault off the apron on Sky. Kazarian pulls the referee out of the ring. Daniels taps out as the referee is distracted by Kazarian. Nick hits a Twisted Plancha from off the top turnbuckle on Kazarian at ringside. Sky hits Matt with one of the Championship title belts. Daniels pins Matt for the win.


Winners: So Cal Uncensored (Scorpio Sky, Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian)

ROH Enforcer Bully Ray makes his entrance after the match. Bully talks about it seeming like the Wild West with wrestlers not following the rules. Bully says that what they lack right now, is a little bit of honor. Bully talks about having just got off the phone with ROH COO Joe Koff. Bully says that Koff told him to do whatever was necessary to restore order in the company. Bully talks about how he will be enforcing the Code Of Honor. Bully asks the crowd if the match should be restarted. The crowd cheers. Bully has the match restarted.

ROH Six-Man Tag Team Championship Match:
Bullet Club (Adam Page, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) (c) vs. So Cal Uncensored (Scorpio Sky, Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian)

Matt, Nick and Page superkick all of their opponents as the bell rings. Sky and Kazarian roll out of the ring. Nick goes to the apron and kicks Kazarian. Page goes to the apron and hits a Shooting Star Press on Sky. Matt and Nick hit the Meltzer Driver on Daniels. Matt pins Daniels for the win.

Winners: Bullet Club (Adam Page, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson)

They hype next week's show as this one comes to a close.

