WWE Mixed Match Challenge Results (2/6): Goldust & Mandy Rose Vs. Jimmy Uso & Naomi, Daniel Bryan

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Tonight's mixed match sees Team RoseGold (Goldust & Mandy Rose) take on the husband and wife team of Jimmy Uso and Naomi. Coverage begins right after SmackDown LIVE!

- The announce team welcomes us to the show and show us the different way to watch tonight's action. Uso and Naomi make their entrance to solid responses. Jimmy and Naomi are fairly adorable actually. Goldy and Mandy make their entrance and Goldust goes old school and captures a little footage of his partner. They cover which charities the teams are competing for.

- The special guest referee for tonight's match is a ponytailed Daniel Bryan, as voted by the fans.

Jimmy Uso & Naomi vs. Goldust & Mandy Rose

Match starts with a little dance with Uso. Whip exchange leads to Goldust blowing up and asking for a quick timeout to catch his breath. After reclaiming his wind, he does his trademark bark-like deal. Mandy then calls him over and he gives her a kiss on the hand and say "that's what teams do." The Usos match their sentiments and then elevate it to hugs. Next step is a kiss, and Goldy checks his breath. He leans in but Uso tries to roll him up. Daniel Bryan doesn't like the tactics and doesn't count the pin.


Naomi tags in which means Mandy joins as well. Twerking is now a move after Mandy touches Naomi's hair and gets on her bad side. Mandy reverses and hits a face buster bomb. She then goes to work on Naomi with a choke with the boot in the corner and a kick to the kidney. Mandy gloats a bit and goes for a kiss, which gives Naomi time to catch her breath and kick Mandy in the midsection upon return. Naomi goes for a tag, but Mandy intercepts and slaps Jimmy for good measure. Tag made and Jimmy comes in like a house afire. Samoan Drop and booty to the corner, but Mandy breaks up the pin. Enziguris in stereo by the Usos reversed by in-stereo power slams. Pin broken up, Mandy slaps Naomi, and the chase is on. Goldust shields Mandy, but Naomi slingshots over the top rope over Goldy and hits a cross body on Mandy. Uso tries to follow suit but meets a right hand. Uso hits a super kick, Naomi a rear view, and then the frog splash finishes it off.

Winners via Pinfall: Jimmy Uso & Naomi

- After the match, the other husband/wife team, Lana and Rusev come down to introduce themselves and say they're the best couples team in the tournament. They teach us a new song with "Lana is the best, Lana number one," which mildly catches on with the crowd. They'll take on Elias and Bayley next week, who weren't exactly seeing eye to eye in their backstage promo.

