Austin Aries Challenges Matt Sydal For A Title, Impact Thanks Nintendo Wii Audience, Robbie E

- Above, Impact World Champion Austin Aries caught up with Impact X Division Champion Matt Sydal to talk titles. Being the "belt collector" Aries offered up a chance at the Impact World Championship if Sydal put up his Impact Grand Championship (that he recently gifted to his spiritual guide, Josh Mathews) on next week's show. Sydal immediately accepted the challenge much to Mathews' protest.

- Former Impact Star, Robbie E, spoke with Fox News about exercises he does using his kids to keep himself in shape. Robbie said to avoid "Dad bod" he's been using his sons as weights.

"Their excuse is, 'Well, I have kids, so if I have any free time, I want to spend it with my kids.' But you really only need 20 minutes a day to sweat or get a pump in, so at least you're doing something," Robbie said. "As I was playing with them I realized that, 'Wow, I'm getting a little workout in here as I'm spinning them around.' I'm realizing it's working my hips a little bit or as I'm lifting them in the air, I'm getting a little shoulder pump in. So there's no excuse. While you have that little time after you come home from work or you're playing with your kids, just curl them or squat them. And they love it, because they're getting tossed around in the air."

- On Twitter, Impact Wrestling gave a shout out to the 500 people who watch their YouTube videos on Nintendo Wii.

