Backstage News On Jeff Hardy And WWE's Ultimate Deletion Match, Reby Hardy Lashes Out Over Jeff?
Jeff Hardy was scheduled to return to WWE TV on next Monday's RAW in The Ultimate Deletion between Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt, according to The Wrestling Observer Newsletter.
The Observer notes that people close to the situation did not know if Jeff will be edited out of the finished product but if he does not appear in what airs on Monday, then WWE made the decision to edit him out due to the DWI arrest from March 10th. The match between Matt and Wyatt was filmed at Matt's compound in Cameron, NC just a few days before the arrest.
As noted last week, WWE issued the following statement on Hardy's arrest after the news came out: "Jeff Hardy is responsible for his own personal actions. We are investigating the matter and awaiting information from local law enforcement officials."

We noted before how WWE confirmed that Matt's family would be involved in The Ultimate Deletion – wife Reby Hardy as Queen Rebecca, son King Maxel, son Lord Wolfgang and father-in-law Senor Benjamin. Reby took to Instagram and posted a photo, presumably from filming, and addressed fan comments on wanting Jeff to be in the match.
She wrote the following in the comments section of the photo and indicated that Jeff was not wanted:
"Matt has busted his ass to get to this point. He & I have been fighting for this to happen for nearly a year. After the hard work & $50k+ in legal fees that *WE* paid, I'm gonna have to say NO. He is not "needed". Jeff is clearly doing his own thing & it has nothing to do with us right now."