Cody Tries To Manipulate The Young Bucks In Being The Elite, Latest ROH Supercard Of Honor Matches
- Above is episode 97 ("Manipulation") of Being the Elite. Cody offered up Matt Jackson the same advice he also gave Nick Jackson, why not a singles career? Kenny Omega sent a message to the Young Bucks to say he was lying when he said the Golden Lovers were the best tag team in the world and he hoped they would forgive him. It looks like Cody ended up getting the message first and then sent it to the Young Bucks after doing some editing that said basically the opposite.
- ROH announced The Briscoes will defend their World Tag Titles against Jay Lethal and Hiroshi Tanahashi at Supercard of Honor XII in April. Also booked for the event, SoCal Uncensored will defend the Six-Man Tag Team Titles against The Kingdom. Below is the updated card:
* Dalton Castle (c) vs. Marty Scurll (ROH World Championship)
* The Briscoes (c) vs. Jay Lethal and Hiroshi Tanahashi (ROH World Tag Team Championship)
* SoCal Uncensored (c) vs. The Kingdom (ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship)
* Cody vs. Kenny Omega
* Women of Honor Tournament Finals
* Tomohiro Ishii vs. Punishment Martinez
* Kota Ibushi vs. Adam Page
* Women of Honor Tournament Semis (Pre-Show)

- ROH is doing a Spring Cleaning Sale in their pro shop. All 2016 event DVDs are $3 and all event DVDs before 2016 are $2. No end date was given for the sale.