Kevin Owens And Sami Zayn Are Concerned For Shane McMahon (Video), WWE - Instagram, Sheamus
- Above is Sheamus' latest workout video as he prepped for St. Patrick's Day.
- WWE posted this week's 25 best Instagram photos. The collection includes: Kurt Angle (with Ronda Rousey), Renee Young (with Dean Ambrose), Mandy Rose, and Peyton Royce.
Training day!!!! #AngleRousey #Wrestlemania34
A post shared by Kurt Angle (@therealkurtangle) on
A post shared by Renee Paquette (@reneeyoungwwe) on
@fashionnova ?? Use code XOMANDY ??
A post shared by Mandy Rose (@mandysacs) on
Waking up on a Sunday morning like..... ?? Ill be there for youuuuu ??
A post shared by Peyton Royce (@peytonroycewwe) on

- At last night's WWE live event, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn wondered how Shane McMahon was doing after the two Superstars put a chair around his neck and slammed him into a ring post on this week's SmackDown. The duo also powerbombed Shane on some stage equipment in the back after Shane booked Owens and Zayn in a match at WrestleMania 34.
"Has anyone heard from Shane?! Is Shane okay?!," Owens wondered. "Shane, if you see this, we're so sorry! Hashtag "Shane I'm sorry, wait no I'm not, it was great" that's the whole hashtag!"