New Match Announced For ROH 16th Anniversary, Kelly Klein, Emma Vs. Stacy Shadows WOH Match
- Above is a first-round match between Tenille Dashwood (Emma) and Stacy Shadows in the ROH Women of Honor Tournament to crown the division's inaugural champion. It is a 16-woman, single elimination style format. The finish came when Shadows was thrown into the ring post and Dashwood hit a running kick to the head to get the pinfall victory. There's only one first-round match left between Sumie Sakai and Hana Kimura, which will take place right before Friday's 16th Anniversary Show. Kagetsu will face the winner of that match. Other upcoming quarterfinal matches: Mandy Leon vs. Kelly Klein, Mayu Iwatani vs. Deonna Purrazzo, and Tenille Dashwood vs. Brandi Rhodes.
- ROH did "Ten Questions" with Kelly Klein who spoke about when people hug and shake hands after matches.
"When competitors are hugging and holding hands after a match, it tells me a few things," Klein said. "It tells me that they aren't focused on their singular goal. Emotion and relationships get in the way of that. It tells me that they didn't take seriously enough what had come before. The best thing I've ever witnessed in a Ring of Honor ring was Sumie Sakai crying on the turnbuckle after a loss. That is exactly right. After a loss, you should be sad or mad or both. And if you aren't, then what were you even there for? These other women who don't have that are telling me that if I need to, I can get to them by using their emotions or waiting for their focus to falter. Pretty faces don't win matches. Big words don't win matches. Hugs and high fives don't win matches."

- ROH added another match to their 16th Anniversary Pre-Show with Brandi Rhodes taking on Tenille Dashwood in a Women of Honor Tournament Quarterfinal Match. Be sure to join us for live coverage on Friday, beginning at 8:30pm ET (full card here). The Pre-Show will stream on ROH's Facebook page. Rhodes commented that she already took her first round opponent's spot and plans to do the same against Dashwood.
JUST ANNOUNCED: @TenilleDashwood vs @TheBrandiRhodes in a @Women_of_Honor Championship Tournament quarterfinal match on the #ROH16th Facebook Live Pre-Show at 830e/530p!
? ROH Wrestling (@ringofhonor) March 8, 2018
You guys said the same thing about Karen Q....then freaked when I marched in and took her spot. I have no fear taking on Tenille. I've sat on the sidelines and watched her for 5 years. I like her. I KNOW her. Buckle up guys.
? Brandi Rhodes (@TheBrandiRhodes) March 8, 2018