Kevin Owens Goes Silent On Twitter, Why Sasha Banks Had Fans Change Seats, Colbert WWE-Style Promo

- On The Late Show with Stephen Colbert this week, Colbert referenced President Donald Trump's WWE past and suggested that he was "bringing his background in pro wrestling to our foreign policy." Colbert then put on a mask and cut a 40-second 80's style pro wrestling promo, which you can check out in the video above at the 5:50 mark.

- Kevin Owens has practically gone silent on Twitter. His tweets are now protected to only confirmed followers, and he is only followed by 4 people. Owens has lashed out at social media in the past, including last December after his wife's Instagram was hacked.

"Social media is an absolute cesspool," Owens tweeted after the hack. "The way some people try and ruin people's lives for no apparent reason is genuinely depressing. My Instagram is gone, again and now people are going after my wife too. It's disgusting. Needless to say, I would never do this to my family."

- Sasha Banks was selling her storyline with Bayley at NXT Takeover last weekend. A fan tweeted the video below of Sasha asking for two fans to change seats so she wouldn't have to sit next to Bayley.

@mattyb4070 contributed to this article.

