New John Cena Animated Series Released (Video), AJ Styles Project To Premiere Saturday, Lana - Naomi

- WWE's YouTube channel has released all of the new Dallas & Robo episodes. The YouTube Red animated series features John Cena in one of the starring roles as Robo, the giant mechanical partner of driver Dallas, voiced by actress Kat Dennings. The first episode has been released for free and can be watched above. This episode is censored but the rest of the shows available to YouTube Red subscribers are uncensored.

- WWE has a new poll asking fans who won the Dance-Off between Lana and Naomi on last night's SmackDown. As of this writing, both Superstars have received 50% of the vote.

- Xavier Woods' UpUpDownDown YouTube channel will release the first episode of a new series with WWE Champion AJ Styles this Saturday – Retro Styles. Below is a teaser for the new project:

