Flip Gordon On Trying To Get Booked For "All In," His Role On "Being The Elite," Today's Wrestling

Flip Gordon spoke with the New York Post on today's pro wrestling, his role on Being the Elite, and trying to get on "All In." Here are some of the highlights:

Trying to get booked for "All In":

"[Brandi Rhodes and I], we're gonna figure out what she can do to help me get booked. In the meantime, Cody still hates my guts and has no plans on booking me, and I don't know why. Maybe that's my next step, figuring out why he doesn't want to book me. If I figure out why, maybe I can change that why. That or break in. Don't tell the cops. I can't believe I just said that. Now they are going to be waiting for me at the door. Now, I'm going to have to buy a ticket. It's sold out, so I'm screwed. I've had lots of fans who told me they got me an extra ticket."


Today's wrestling:

"I think it is a faster, more unique, athletic style. I think wrestling now is more like an action-movie fight, not necessarily amateur wrestling like it was back in high school. It's evolved. It's different. It's not just headlocks and hips tosses."

His role on Being the Elite:

"It's kind of funny because I've never been the little brother. I've always been the oldest brother out of my family. I've never had an older brother. I always looked to my cousins or other people that I looked up to as big brothers. So it's kind of funny. I guess that is kind of my character because the Young Bucks, Marty, all them are like big brothers to me."

Gordon also discussed how the military helped him prep for pro wrestling. You can check out the full interview by clicking here.

