Shinsuke Nakamura Appears On Crutches In Tokyo (Photos), Sasha Banks Vs. Bayley Teaser, Noam Dar
- Above is the latest WWE Network Pick of the Week video with Noam Dar plugging the WWE NXT UK Championship special from Tuesday, which saw Dar return to the ring and win a Fatal 4 Way to win a future title shot from WWE UK Champion Pete Dunne.
- WWE posted the following teaser for the Sasha Banks vs. Bayley feud going into Monday's RAW:
With friends like these ...
Bayley finally snapped on Sasha Banks last week, but Raw General Manager Kurt Angle isn't about to let the fracturing friendship between the two former champions explode into outright hostility just yet. Following The Huggable One's assault, Angle informed each woman individually that they would have to undergo counseling in order to keep their jobs as Raw Superstars. What those sessions will entail, of course, remains to be seen. But either way, it seems this road has reached a fork as pivotal as it is unusual.

- As noted, Shinsuke Nakamura was pulled from the ring after suffering a bite from a police dog during a pre-show security check at Monday's WWE live event on Monday. Nakamura appeared at today's live event in Tokyo, Japan on crutches and still has not been cleared to wrestle. Nakamura came out to the ring and was attacked by Samoa Joe, which led to WWE Champion AJ Styles making the save. Joe ended up losing to Styles in the main event, replacing Nakamura. No word yet on when Nakamura will be cleared. You can read the statement from police at this link. Below are photos of Nakamura on crutches in Tokyo:
#WWETokyo Shinsuke Nakamura entered the ring with a crutch, and read a little promo before being attacked by Samoa Joe.
Credit to the owner. ??
? Diego (@diegp77) June 29, 2018
@RealCronin Nakamura tried to low blow Samoa Joe but he missed & got choked out instead ?? WWE event in Tokyo right now
? EdzJPN (@EdzView) June 29, 2018