Triple H On Kaitlyn Returning For The Mae Young Classic, Chef Brie Bella Returns (Video), WWE Stock
- Chef Brie Bella has returned to The Bella Twins' YouTube channel, as seen in the new video above. Brie makes Brussels Sprout Salad with Vegan Bacon in her latest kitchen video.
- WWE stock was down 0.47% today, closing at $74.61 per share. Today's high was $75.92 and the low was $74.16.

- As noted, WWE announced today that former Divas Champion Kaitlyn will be returning to the company for The Mae Young Classic that tapes in 3 weeks, airing later this summer on the WWE Network. Triple H tweeted the following on her return to the company:
.@WWENXT participant, former #DivasChampion, and now #WWEMYC competitor. I know the @WWE Universe is excited to see what @CelesteBonin makes of this opportunity.
? Triple H (@TripleH) July 11, 2018