World Of Sport Wrestling Trailer Released
Back in May, five World of Sport TV tapings for ITV took place to reignite the wrestling series that will air this month. Earlier today, a new trailer was released for the upcoming show and we saw a glimpse of some of the talent.
Some of the names involved in the trailer: Wade Barrett, Will Ospreay, Grado, Viper, Bea Priestley, Rampage, WWE MYC Competitor Ayesha Raymond, Kay Lee Ray and others. You can check out the trailer below.
WOS Wrestling is BACK!
Let the games begin? #WOSW #wrestling #thisJuly #ITV #dawnofanewera #bringiton
? ITV WOS Wrestling (@WOSWrestlingITV) July 1, 2018

Going back to New Year's Eve 2016, a World of Sport pilot episode was launched after the project went dormant for decades, ending back in 1985.
After a successful World of Sport pilot, a lengthier series was set to get started. Impact Wrestling (with Jeff Jarrett at the helm) attempted to partner up with the project, but ultimately things fell apart during contract negations, causing those tapings to be cancelled all together. Impact cited logistical issues at the time, but it was also rumored there was an issue with it being a 10-episode series rather than an ongoing, weekly series.