WWE 205 Live Results (7/10): Cedric Alexander Defends Against Hideo Itami, Lio Rush In Action

Welcome to Wrestling Inc's live coverage of WWE 205 Live, exclusively on the WWE Network! Join us immediately following SmackDown at 10pm ET. Be sure to leave your feedback in the comments section, share our coverage of tonight's episode through social media, and REFRESH for the most up to date coverage.

Tonight features WWE Cruiserweight Champion Cedric Alexander defending against Hideo Itami.

- Recap of how we got to tonight's title match between Cedric Alexander and Hideo Itami. Maverick finally decided to put Itami in the match, despite not agreeing with his tactics to getting to the top.

- Vic Joseph, Percy Watson, and Nigel McGuinness welcome us in as they talk a bit more about tonight's main event.

Kalisto (with Lince Dorado and Gran Metalik) vs. Tony Nese (with Buddy Murphy)

Nese using his strength early on to muscle Kalisto around. Kalisto with a flip off the turnbuckle, Nese does the same. Both with some counters as Kalisto does Nese's taunt. Dropkick by Kalisto, cover, one-count. Kalisto to the apron, tries to slingshot in, gets caught, put on the top turnbuckle, knee to the stomach, overhead suplex, cover, two.

Nese stretching out Kalisto, drops the leg as Lucha House Party makes a ton of noise in his face. Kalisto with a couple kicks to the jaw, takes down Nese. Kalisto on the apron, kick, sitting senton from the top rope, springboard corkscrew splash, and hits a hurricanrana. Nese trying to catch his breath, Kalisto with a springboard crossbody, cover, two. Murphy watching on from ringside. Salido del sol, no, Nese ends up sending Kalisto into the bottom turnbuckle and both guys are down.

Murphy getting annoyed by Lucha House Party's noise makers. Nese is out on the floor now, Kalisto with a flip off the top rope to the floor. Murphy checking on Nese as Lucha House party tells him to get back. Murphy just swings on Kalisto right in front of the referee and Murphy attacks the rest of the group.

Winner: Kalisto via DQ

- Post-match, Nese is tossing Gran Metalik around with Murphy, Dorado takes out both guys. The trio taunts them from the ring as Murphy tries to get at them, Nese pulls him away. Murphy is not in a good mood.

- Backstage, Drake Maverick welcomes back Noam Dar. He lets him know that things are different now compared to when he was on the show. Suddenly, TJP shows up and he agrees that things are different and they are much, much worse. He didn't appreciate Dar being a mystery opponent and if he had time to prep, he would have won. Maverick says if that's the case he can have a rematch next week against Dar.

- In a vignette, Hideo Itami said Alexander made a big mistake by not showing him the respect he deserves.

Lio Rush vs. Colin Delaney

Before things get going, Akira Tozawa heads out to ringside to check out the match, much like Rush did during Tozawa's match last week. Rush tells his opponent one second and grabs a chair and gives it to Tozawa who just kicks it over. Delaney with a sneaky roll-up, two, Rush with a flurry of strikes. Plenty of misdirection, Delaney ends up on the apron, handspring kick sends him to the floor. "Are you watching this?" Rush says to Tozawa. Rush heads to the top, split-legged frog splash hits, 1-2-3.

Winner: Lio Rush via Pinfall

- Post-match, Tozawa gets on the mic and says "Wow! You're great!" very sarcastically and wonders what Rush has even done here. "You've done nothing!" He heads into the ring, Rush says to give him the mic so Tozawa can hear him. Rush goes to grab it and Tozawa walks away. He then comes back and Rush goes to grab it again and Tozawa drops it. They look like they're about to wrestle, but Maverick heads out in a bit of a mood and says he's the only one who will make matches around here. He says next week it will be Tozawa vs. Rush.

- We look back at Buddy Murphy and Mustafa Ali's fantastic No DQ match. Ali would eventually win via a tornado DDT.

- Locker room, Alexander gets ready for his match with Ali hyping him up.

- Drew Gulak (with Jack Gallagher and The Brian Kendrick) says now that they've put Lucha House Party behind them, they will be watching tonight's title match very closely.

- Next week: Noam Dar vs. TJP, Akira Tozawa vs. Lio Rush

Cedric Alexander (c) vs. Hideo Itami (WWE Cruiserweight Championship)

They end up in the rope early, Itami with a smack to Alexander. They go to the ropes again, Itami with a kick, misses. They keep ending up the ropes, Itami with a slap to the end and that gets the champ fired up. Alexander with a nice dropkick, kip up, and Itami gets under the ropes. Light boot to Itami's face as Alexander backs up. Itami charges in and gets a shot and a chop. Alexander tries to springboard in and catches a kick to the chest, kick to the back and Itami swings away on the grounded champion. "Respect me!"

Itami goats Alexander to hit him, then smacks him back even harder, hits a couple disrespectful boots before getting chopped in the chest a couple times. Itami with a couple knees to the midsection, another massive kick to the chest, cover, two. The challenger continues to gain momentum, but Alexander finally hits a european uppercut, kick to the head, slingshot flatliner, cover, two. Itami gets sent out to the floor, Alexander with a senton over to the top rope and just barely clips Itami, ouch. Action back in the ring, Alexander handspring kick, cover, two-count.

Itami with a fisherman's suplex, goes for back-to-back cover, but no luck. Crowd has been fairly quiet for this one thus far. Itami takes off the pad for the bottom turnbuckle, Charles Robinson yells at him for that. Alexander on the apron, tries for a springboard, but Itami knocks him off and he hits the turnbuckle. Alexander in front of the steps, Itami with a running dropkick, tries to lift Alexander back into the ring, but he's struggling to get him in. Cover, Alexander kicks out. Itami with a couple nasty spinning backfists, running knee to the back. A woozy Alexander tosses Itami into the ropes and hits a lungblower! Cover and that will do it.

Winner: Cedric Alexander via Pinfall to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Championship

