WWE Fans Engaged At SDCC (Video), WWE Declares Quarterly Dividend, Lio Rush Cuts Twitter Promo

- WWE fans William Kilpatrick and Amanda Robershaw were engaged to be married at the San Diego Comic Con earlier today during WWE's Elite Squad signing. Above is video of the proposal.

- WWE issued the following today:


STAMFORD, Conn., July 19, 2018 – WWE (NYSE:WWE) announced that its Board of Directors today declared the Company's regular quarterly dividend of $0.12 per share for all Class A and B shares of common stock. The record date for the dividend will be September 14, 2018 and the payment date will be September 25, 2018.

- WWE 205 Live Superstar Lio Rush took to Twitter today and posted the following promo on Tuesday's win over Akira Tozawa. Rush says he's also flabbergasted at decisions made by 205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick because he's not in the Fatal 4 Way to determine the new #1 contender to WWE Cruiserweight Champion Cedric Alexander. As noted, that match will air this coming Tuesday with Drew Gulak, Mustafa Ali, Hideo Itami and TJP.

