WWE TLC PPV Up In The Air, The Miz & Maryse Docuseries Preview, More For Tonight's WWE SmackDown
- Cathy Kelley previews tonight's WWE SmackDown in this new video.

- The date and location for the 2018 WWE TLC pay-per-view is up in the air. The October 21st event was originally announced for the TD Bank Arena in Boston but the location has been changed. A TLC pre-sale was expected to be announced at last night's RAW in Boston but a RAW/SmackDown SuperShow live event was announced for October 21st instead. Ronda Rousey was announced for that event but there was no mention of TLC. The Ticketmaster pre-sale code for the SuperShow is BOSTON. We will keep you updated on the date and location for TLC.
- Below is another preview for The Miz and Maryse's "Miz & Mrs." docuseries that premieres on the USA Network after SmackDown goes off the air on July 24th:
It's the new reality series you don't want to MIZ.#MizAndMrs premieres in TWO WEEKS on July 24 only on @USA_Network! @mikethemiz @MaryseMizanin pic.twitter.com/uykLqnfBbN
? WWE (@WWE) July 10, 2018