EVOLVE Star To Debut With ROH, New ROH TV Taping Matches Announced, Brandi Rhodes, 5 Count
- Above is a women of honor match between Brandi Rhodes and Heather Monroe. Rhodes would pick up pinfall victory after hitting a spear and dropping her opponent's face on her now "bionic" collar bone.
- Known for his time with EVOLVE, Tracy Williams will make his debut with Ring of Honor at Survival of the Fittest on November 4 in Columbus, Ohio. Williams won the EVOLVE Tag Team Championship, once with Drew Gulak and again with Fred Yehi.
JUST ANNOUNCED: Tracy Williams (@sauce_williams) makes his #ROH debut by entering Survival of the Fittest! #ROHSOTF in #ROHColumbus
Sun Nov 4 – 7pm ET – @EXPRESSLIVEOH
Streaming LIVE for #HonorClub!
Get your tickets now: https://t.co/rY5XR89Dvx
Info: https://t.co/JKEZOvcryd pic.twitter.com/czvHArLLtm? ROH Wrestling (@ringofhonor) October 9, 2018
- ROH's latest "5 Count" looks at its top former amateur wrestlers. Starting at number five: Shane "Hurricane" Helms, Cody, Josh Woods, Dalton Castle, and at number one, Jeff Cobb.

- More matches have been announced for the upcoming ROH TV tapings in Philadelphia on October 14, one of which features the return of Britt Baker. Below is what the updated card looks like.
* The Kingdom vs. Jay Lethal, Jonathan Gresham, and a mystery partner
* Sumie Sakai, Madison Rayne, and Jenny Rose vs. Kelly Klein, Britt Baker, and Karen Q
* Cody vs. Kenny King
* Jeff Cobb vs. Shane Taylor
Six-Woman Tag Match at #ROHGBH: Philadelphia TV Taping!@MadisonRayne @SumieSakai @JennyRose_JRo vs @karenmeee @RealBrittBaker @RealKellyKleinSun Oct 14 – @2300Arena
Tickets: https://t.co/NzMbvNqWcf
Info: https://t.co/MpNcxm55mQ#ROHPhilly pic.twitter.com/PFGcDYIFWG? ROH Wrestling (@ringofhonor) October 9, 2018