WWE Evolution: The Riott Squad Vs. Sasha Banks, Natalya And Bayley

The Riott Squad vs. Sasha Banks, Natalya and Bayley

We go to the ring and out comes The Riott Squad – Liv Morgan, Sarah Logan and Ruby Riott. Cole shows us some of the other international announce teams in the arena tonight. Sasha Banks is out first for her team. Natalya is out next. Bayley is out last and she joins her partners as they head to the ring together.

Finn Balor is shown in the front row to support Bayley, his Mixed Match Challenge partner. Natalya starts off with Liv. Liv takes it to the corner and slaps Natalya. Natalya gets angry and unloads into the ropes. Liv comes back with a kick and a takedown. Liv taunts Natalya a few times but Natalya slaps her. Banks tags in for a Hart Attack. Logan tags in and goes at it with Banks but Banks gets the upperhand for a 2 count. Banks takes Logan to their corner and tags in Bayley for some double teaming. Bayley knocks Logan off the apron after the double teaming. Bayley with a dropkick through the ropes.

Bayley brings it back into the ring and goes to dropkick Ruby through the turnbuckles but it backfires and Logan pins Bayley against the ring post with boots. Logan with a 2 count on Bayley. Liv tags in and kicks Bayley as Logan holds her. Liv keeps Bayley down and works her over as fans try to rally for Bayley. Bayley fights back but Liv rams her into the corner. Logan tags back in and manhandles Bayley to the mat.

Ruby tags in but Logan is right back in to keep Bayley down. Bayley bounces off the turnbuckle as Logan keeps control in the corner. Bayley counters and Logan hits the turnbuckles face-first. Bayley manages to help knock Ruby and Liv down from their corner as she tangles with Logan. Ruby tags in but it backfires as Liv gets knocked off the apron. Bayley crawls for a tag after getting an opening. Logan pulls Natalya off the apron and clotheslines her on the floor. Liv stops Bayley from getting to the corner. Bayley fights off Liv and Ruby now. Bayley kicks Ruby back and Banks gets the hot tag.

Banks knocks Logan off the apron and unloads on Ruby with a dropkick. Banks kicks Ruby and charges in the corner but gets sent to the apron. Sasha with a knee from the apron. Sasha goes to the top and nails the knees to Riott for a 2 count. Banks and Riott go at it now. Riott blocks the Backstabber. More back and forth. Banks with a big knee but Riott kicks her in the face. Bayley tags in. Banks with the Backstabber on Ruby as Bayley hits the Bayley-to-Belly suplex. Liv knocks Banks into Bayley to make the save on the pin. Logan drags Ruby to their corner and tags in. Banks knocks Liv off the apron and hits the knees on Logan. Banks plays to the crowd for a pop. Banks runs the ropes and goes to launch herself over onto all three opponents but Banks botches and gets stuck on the ropes, then hits the apron. The Riott Squad turns that into a big launch into the barrier. Logan brings Banks back into the ring for a close 2 count.

Logan puts Banks on her shoulders as Liv goes to the top for the big double team Doomsday Device. Logan is legal again after a double team but Natalya breaks up the pin on Banks. Logan sends Natalya out and keeps control of Banks. Liv tags in for another double team on Banks with Logan. Ruby tags in and goes to the top but Bayley comes in ad lays on top of Banks to protect her. Ruby leaps off the top anyway and lands on Banks and Bayley. Ruby covers Banks but she still manages to kick out at 2. The Riott Squad can't believe it. Liv tags in but misses a kick to Banks. Ruby tags back in. Logan tries to slam Ruby on Banks but Banks moves. Natalya comes in and unloads on Logan. Ruby tags in and Natalya doesn't see it. Natalya slams Logan but in comes Ruby. Natalya rocks her and slams her on top of Logan. Natalya goes for a double Sharpshooter on Logan and Riott. She gets it locked in but Liv breaks it as the legal person. Liv with a 2 count on Natalya.

Liv with a big stomp to the back of Natalya's head in the corner. Liv charges but Natalya lifts her for a powerbomb. Bayley follows up and hits a top rope elbow after the powerbomb. Banks goes to the top and hits the Frogsplash on Liv for the pin to win.

Winners: Sasha Banks, Bayley and Natalya

After the bell, the winners stand tall as Banks' music hits and JoJo announces the result. We go to replays. Banks, Natalya and Bayley hug in the middle of the ring as The Riott Squad heads to the back.

This is from our live coverage of WWE Evolution. To access our full Evolution coverage, click here.

