ROH Episode 372 Recap: Cody In Action, Sandman Vs. Silas Young, Flip Gordon, WOH

A video package is shown highlighting the feud between Flip Gordon and Bully Ray.

Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman and Colt Cabana check in on commentary after the usual ROH signature video package. Bully Ray comes to the ring with an envelope. Ray explains that the next match. Silas Young will represent Bully Ray, if he wins Ray can do whatever he wants to Flip Gordon. If Gordon's guy wins, Gordon can do whatever he wants to Bully Ray. Silas Young makes his entrance. Flip Gordon makes his entrance with an envelope. Gordon seemingly chooses Colt Cabana as his representation for the match. Cabana leaves the commentary table and heads to the ring. Ray questions the choice of Cabana for Gordon. Cabana says that he wanted to see Bully Ray's face when he found out that Flip's puck wasn't him and you saw that it was this guy...Sandman makes his entrance.

Pick Your Punishment Match:
Silas Young vs. Sandman

Young runs towards Sandman, Sandman gets out of the way as Young runs into the turnbuckles. Sandman strikes Young with a Singapore Cane. Sandman pins Young for a two count. Late in the match, Sandman sets a ladder up in the corner as Young brings a table into the ring. They exchange strikes. Sandman sets the table in the corner. Sandman lays the ladder over Young and ascends the turnbuckle. Sandman hits a Senton off the top rope onto the ladder on Young. Sandman pins Young for a two count. Young ducks a Singapore Cane shot from Sandman. Young kicks Sandman. Young hits Misery on Sandman. Young pins Sandman for the win.

Winner: Silas Young

Bully Ray informs Flip Gordon that his punishment is ten shots with a Singapore Cane. Ian Riccaboni talks about some of the violence having been censored from the broadcast. A graphic shows that the unedited clip can be seen on Honor Club. A few of the Singapore Cane shots to Flip Gordon from Bully Ray are shown. Cody, Brandi Rhodes & The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) come down to the ring. Ray tells Gordon to just say I quit. Gordon says f*** you. Ray low blows Gordon heading into a commercial.

Karen Q, Britt Baker & Kelly Klein make their entrances. Mandy Leon has joined the commentary team. Jenny Rose, Madison Rayne & ROH Women Of Honor World Champion Sumie Sakai make their entrances.

Karen Q, Britt Baker & Kelly Klein vs. Jenny Rose, Madison Rayne & Sumie Sakai

Sakai and Baker lock up. Baker backs Sakai into the corner. Sakai ducks a clothesline attempt by Baker. Sakai chops Baker. Baker forearms Sakai. Baker connects with a Running Knee Strike to Sakai. Late in the match, Rose tackles Klein. Klein sends Rose into the corner. Klein hits a Back Elbow on Rose. Rose hits a Codebreaker on Klein. Rose locks in an abdominal stretch on Klein. Klein hits a modified arm-drag on Rose. Klein has words with Britt Baker. Rose hits a Northern Lights Suplex on Klein. Rose pins Klein for the win.

Winners: Jenny Rose, Madison Rayne & Sumie Sakai

Kenny King makes his entrance. ROH World Champion Jay Lethal has joined the commentary team. The Elite's Cody (with Brandi Rhodes) makes his entrance.

Kenny King vs. Cody

They lock up. King locks in a headlock, Cody gets out of it. King eventually hits a Snapmare on Cody. King kicks The back of the head of Cody. King pins Cody with his feet on the ropes, the referee catches it. Cody runs towards King, King pulls the rope down to send Cody out of the ring. King hits a Corkscrew Plancha on Cody at ringside. King hits a spine-buster on Cody. King pins Cody for a two count. King throws an elbow pad at Brandi. Brandi gets up on the apron. King throws the IWGP United States Championship belt to Cody and drops to the mat as the referee talks to Brandi. The referee turns around and sees Cody with the belt. Another referee comes out and tells him what happened. King pushes that referee to the mat. King gets disqualified as the bell is called for. King kicks Cody below the belt.

Winner: Cody

King grabs Brandi by the hair. Jay Lethal runs down to the ring. King strikes Lethal with the IWGP United States Championship belt. King kicks Cody.

They hype Global Wars and next week's show as this one comes to a close.

