MLW Fusion Recap (12/7): Rush Debuts, Ace Romero Takes On Marko Stunt, Teddy Hart Against Jason Cade

Show opens with Tom Lawlor chasing Simon Gotch in an alley. Lawlor is looking to get revenge on Gotch for betraying him and leading him to an ambush led by Low Ki, Ricky Martinez, and LA Park.

Fusion Intro.

Tony Schiavone lets us know that next weeks MLW Miami will be the first live broadcast event. Los Ingobernables leader (from Mexico) Rush is making his MLW debut against Sammy Guevara, as well as super heavyweight Ace Romero who takes on the much smaller Marko Stunt.

Jason Cade is on his way to the ring for the first bout of the evening. Flashback to last week when Teddy Hart and Brian Pillman Jr were at Chicago's Pro Wrestling Tees to promote their new Hart Foundation merchandise. Hart makes his way to the ring along with Pillman.

Teddy Hart versus Jason Cade

Shoving match to start. Cade pushes the ref into Hart and sucker punches him. Hart comes right back with a knife-edged chop of his own but Cade Irish-Whips Hart into the turnbuckle and hits a neckbreaker in tandem. Hart displays his athleticism with a jumping code-red, followed by a powerbomb lungblower combo. He slows things down with a bearhug.

Cradle hammerlock DDT from Hart and he is in full control. He slowly walks the ropes and lands a GORGEOUS asai moonsault elbow. (This guy is next level.) Hart goes for another moonsault but Cade gets the knees up. Cade quickly ties Hart up...Tiger Bomb but he doesn't go for the pin. Springboard codebreaker from Cade that sends Hart to the outside. Cade goes for a suicide dive but Pillman pushes him out of the way. Cade baseball slides to the outside, slaps Pillman, then tosses Hart into the barricade. He drapes Hart over the gate...legdrop over the neck.

Back in the ring Cade climbs to the top and goes for a frog splash...but Teddy gets his knees up this time! Hart picks up Cade in an electric chair drop...Lungblower!! (HOW DID HE?!?!) Gory special from Hart but he turns it into a powerbomb with a pin...Cade kicks out. Huge modified piledriver from Hart. Cover...Cade kicks out again. Hart goes for another one but Cade counters into a sharpshooter attempt...Teddy rolls him up! Two count! Cade with a superkick! Fisherman suplex from Cade, followed by a samoan driver with pin. Only two! Cade puts him on the top for a frankensteiner...Hart blocks it. Canadian destroyer! Cade falls into the other corner. Hart puts him on the top...TOP ROPE CANADIAN DESTROYER. Cover...and that's it.

Teddy Hart wins by pinfall

Recap of last week's main event when the Lucha Brothers successfully defended the MLW tag titles against LA Park and El Hijo de La Park.

Cameras catch up with Salina de la Renta and Konnan. Konnan taunts Salina on Pentagon and Fenix's title win last week. He calls Ricky Martinez by the wrong name, says he will take the MLW title from Low Ki, and when he's done...he's coming for her. Konnan walks off and Salina throws a fit.

Promo for MLW Miami.

They play the footage of Tom Lawlor chasing Simon Gotch from the top of the show.

Konnan grabs a cameraman and tells him he has an exclusive. He takes them backstage to reveal Ricky Martinez on the ground spitting up blood. Konnan drops a bloody pad-lock next to Martinez, indicating that he was the one who attacked him.

Marko Stunt makes his way out for the second bout of the night. His opponent...and making his MLW debut as well as Rush...ACE ROMERO.

Ace Romero versus Marko Stunt

They staredown in the center of the ring. Ace offers a handshake but Marko tries to go for a waistlock. Ace tosses him off with ease. Marko starts slapping Ace in the chest, angering him. Ace bounces off the ropes...HUGE DROPKICK THAT DESTROYS MARKO. Ace tosses Marko into the ropes and drapes him under the bottom rope by the apron. Ace climbs to the second rope (crowd going wild) for a leg drop...Marko moves! Superkick from Marko, followed by a punt kick. Marko runs back in the ring...suicide dive! Marko plays to the crowd...ACE COMES OUT OF NOWHERE AND SHOULDER BUMPS HIM SIX FEET INTO THE BARRICADE. (OH...MY...GOD.)

Back in the ring Ace powerslams Marko with ease. Running elbow drop lands flush and Ace goes for the cover. Marko kicks out at the last second! Ace can't believe it. He picks Marko back up and lays into him with a big chop. Marko starts hulking up! Running dropkick from Marko...and another! He calls for a doesn't work. Ace pushes him into the corner but misses a splash. Marko uses his quickness and lands an enziguri, followed by a springboard senton. Ace is down! Marko with the pin...Ace kicks out at one.

Ace sets up Marko in a powerbomb attempt but the little man escapes, comes off the ropes, and hits an elevated codebreaker! He climbs to the top but Ace meets him with an uppercut. Ace goes for a superplex but Marko blocks it....CODE RED FROM MARKO TO ACE! COVER...ACE KICKS OUT! (Holy cow.) Marko climbs to the top for a crossbody, but Ace catches him with a twisting Boss Man slam! That'll do it.

Ace Romero wins by pinfall

Matches announced for next week's live show: Dragon Lee against DJZ, Rush against Rich Swann, Fatal-4 way ladder match for the vacant MLW Middleweight Championship between Kotto Brazil, Desmond Xavier, Andrew Everett, and Jason Cade.

Flashback to two weeks ago when Low Ki retained the heavyweight championship against Shane Strickland due to shenanigans. Post match, Strickland would grab a microphone and air his MLW grievances to the live fans until his mic got cut off.

Kaci Lennox is outside MLW owner Court Bauer's office, where he and Strickland can be heard having an intense argument. They are discussing Strickland's contractual obligations to MLW.

Cut to Salina and Low Ki. Salina calls Konnan a b—h. Low Ki starts a promo but Ricky Martinez shows up still bloodied from the earlier attack. Low Ki asks him who did this. "Konnan." replies Ricky. He then tells them to flee.

It's main event time. Sammy Guevara comes out first carrying the AAA cruiserweight championship. The fans however...are all here for Rush.

Rush versus Sammy Guevara

Rush plays to the crowd who are heavily behind him. Tie-up. Both men show off their high-flying ability with flips and counters. Double dropkick attempt from both men and the first exchange is a stalemate.

Sammy pushes Rush, who pushes him back and unloads on Sammy with kicks. He tosses Sammy into the corner, fakes a corner dropkick, and boots Sammy right in the face. Tranquilo pose from Rush and the fans go wild.

Sammy lands some offense with a snapmare and a big boot of his own. He then taunts Rush with the same Tranquilo pose, followed by a flush dropkick sending Rush to the outside. Plancha attempt from Sammy but Rush avoids it and responds with a superman punch. Powerbomb onto the announce table from Rush. (It does not break.) He grabs some cable laying on the ground from the camera crew and whips it off Sammy's body several times. Rush goes into the crowd and grabs a chair, smacking it off Sammy's head.

Back in the ring the referee reprimands Rush but Rush threatens him with violence. Roll-up from Sammy but Rush kicks out. He takes advantage of the distraction and lands a few strikes, followed by a top rope crossbody which sends Rush to ringside again. Twisting suicide dive from Sammy lands! He tosses Rush back in the ring...springboard dropkick from Sammy. Superkick. Cover by Sammy but only two. Spanish fly attempt gets botched but Sammy turns it into a cradle...Rush kicks out with ease. Sammy climbs again but Rush cuts him off with a huge chop, climbs as well...superplex nearly wins it for Rush. Standing basement dropkick from Rush. Both men are down.

Rush and Sammy trade dueling superkicks. Sammy with a running knee, but Rush fires right back with a stiff headbutt. Another pin but Sammy escapes. Rush climbs to the top...misses a senton. Sammy goes up for a shooting star press but Rush gets the knees up! Corner dropkick! Double-arm underhook piledriver (Rush driver) from Rush. em!

Rush wins by pinfall

Commentary says that the era of Rush has begun in MLW. Rush gets on the microphone and plays with the audience, imitating the horn that a fan had brought. Rush cuts a promo in Spanish. Here it is translated.

"The land of Chicago with all the citizens of Toro Blanco Nation vibrated tonight. When the main Ingobernable took his first victim, the weak Sammy Guevara. I want all of you and the litter of dogs watching on television. I come to this company for the rivalry which is worth gold. For the rivalry everybody wants. That rivalry is Rush versus LA Park."

Schiavone informs us that LA Park and Rush had a spectacular rivalry in CMLL that will now translate to MLW.

Another preview of next week's live show, where a new MLW Middleweight champion will be crowned.

Backstage Low Ki and Salina are trying to escape. Ricky pulls up and drives away fast. Tom Lawlor appears at the last second to chase them away.

That's the show friends.

