Spoilers: WWE NXT Tapings For Tonight

Remember to join us tonight at 8pm ET for our live Viewing Party.

* Io Shirai & Dakota Kai defeated Jessamyn Duke & Marina Shafir. Jessamyn has control of Dakota early. Dakota makes the tag to Io, who runs wild on Marina. Io with the double knees and sets up for the moonsault. Duke tries to distract, but Dakota hits her with a running boot and Io hits the moonsault for the pin


* Dominik Dijakovic defeated Aaron Mackey. Mackey is southern indie wrestler AC Mack. Total squash match. Dijakovic hits Feast Your Eyes for the win

* Heavy Machinery defeated two enhancement talents in a squash match. The Undisputed Era come out on stage to taunt. Machinery hit the Compactor on one jobber, but don't go for the pin and hit it on the other. They then hit a Double Compactor for the win

* Johnny Gargano defeated Aleister Black in a Steel Cage match. Johnny attacks during Aleister's entrance and they brawl around ringside. Aleister gets the better of the exchange and tosses Gargano into the ring. Gargano freaks out and tries to flee. Gargano crotches Black on the top rope and then tosses him into the cage to take control. Aleister fights back and hits his moonsault off the top rope. He tosses Johnny into each side of the cage. Black with a big knee to the face for 2. Black climbs the cage, but decides to go back after Gargano. Gargano sidesteps him and Black crashes into the cage. Gargano climbs but Black stops him. Gargano jumps off the ropes and hits a powerbomb on Black off the top of the ropes. They trade strikes. Aleister traps Johnny between the ropes and the cage and hits running boots. The referee opens the cage door and Aleister almost kicks Johnny out of the cage, but pulls him back in. Black goes to springboard but Gargano pulls him off and into the GargaNo Escape. Aleister powers out, and tosses Gargano into the cage, but he climbs up. They fight on top of the cage. Johnny goes for a springboard rana, but Aleister pushes him off and hits a double stomp. Johnny blocks the Black Mass and lawndarts Aleister into the cage. Johnny climbs the cage, but Aleister goes for the door. Ciampa runs out and slams the door on Black and attacks him. Gargano gets back in the cage and stares off with Ciampa. They do the DIY finisher on Aleister with Johnny hesitating after the hit that Ciampa would hit him. Ciampa instead smiles and waves and closes the cage door as Johnny covers Aleister for the win


