Impact Wrestling Hall Of Famer Announces Return To In-Ring Competition At Tonight's Tapings

Impact Wrestling Hall of Famer and former WWE Superstar, Gail Kim, announced at tonight's Impact Wrestling tapings that she has resigned as a backstage producer and will be returning to the company as an in-ring competitor.

The announcement came after Tessa Blanchard came down to the ring and claimed that she would finally be getting justice on Gail Kim for both her unjust suspension and her Knockouts Title loss at Homecoming. Gail would come out to confront Blanchard and apologize for wronging her in the past, however, Blanchard started screaming how she wasn't being specific enough. Gail delivered a more specific apology to Blanchard but was shortly thereafter encouraged to resign from her position as a backstage producer. Gail revealed that she did indeed resign from her role as Impact producer, but the stipulation was added that she would be returning to the company as an active wrestler. After yelling, "I'm coming back to kick your a–," Gail pummeled Blanchard with shots and stood tall in the ring.

In a recent interview that Gail did for our own WINCLY Podcast, Gail specifically mentioned how similarities between her and Blanchard have enticed her to step back in the ring for another match. Gail even went as far as to say that Blanchard is "going to be the best female wrestler in the world one day."

"[Blanchard] came in [to Impact] and I kinda caught that itch and was thinking, 'Wow, I would like to wrestle her,'" Kim said to Wrestling Inc.'s Nick Hausman. "I saw the same commonalities within us: we both want to be the best in the world and have the best matches?She's the total package. She looks great. She's great on the mic and she can go in the ring. I think she's going to be the best female wrestler in the world one day."

