Young Bucks Tweet Throwback Video, Tenille Dashwod Vs. Bea Priestley Full Match, Giant Baba
- Above is today's Feature Match Friday exclusive between Tenille Dashwood and Bea Priestley from Southern Pro Wrestling, courtesy of! Check out and use the coupon code WRESTLINGINC to receive a free month when you subscribe! A new match will be added to the Wrestling Inc. YouTube channel every Friday.
- According to Tokyo Sports (as translated by STRIGGA of the committee behind the annual Giant Baba Memorial show is considering a "Giant Baba Cup" in the future. The show would be around the anniversary of the legendary wrestler's passing on January 31.
According to Tokyo Sports the committee behind the Giant Baba Memorial show is discussing the creation of a "Giant Baba Cup". The cup is supposed to take place around the the anniversary of Baba's death (Jan. 31st) every year. #????????
— STRIGGA (@STRIGGA) February 21, 2019

- Matt Jackson of the Young Bucks tweeted out an old music video featuring the duo. The video showed off some of their very early backyard wrestling days.
Opened up the vault today & found this old music video. @NickJacksonYB
— The Young Bucks® (@MattJackson13) February 20, 2019