WWE Monday Night RAW Results - Final RAW Before WrestleMania, Brock Lesnar, Batista, Police Segment

Welcome to our WrestlingINC.com Live WWE Monday Night RAW Viewing Party. Tonight's show comes from the Capital One Arena in Washington, DC.

- The final WWE RAW before WrestleMania 35 opens live from the Capital One Arena in Washington, DC as Stephanie McMahon comes out. Michael Cole welcomes us. He's joined by Corey Graves and Renee Young as they hype the show and WrestleMania 35.


Stephanie speaks from the stage and plugs WrestleMania 35 and the main event. She announces she will be in the match with Becky Lynch, SmackDown Women's Champion Charlotte Flair and RAW Women's Champion Ronda Rousey. Thankfully that was just an April Fools' Joke as fans boo. Stephanie announces a "Winner Takes All" stipulation for the WrestleMania main event, meaning the winner will leave with both titles.

- The announcers hype tonight's show and it's noted that the first woman to betray her team in tonight's six-woman match with Rousey, Flair and Lynch vs. The Riott Squad will be out of the WrestleMania main event.

- We go to the ring and out comes WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar with Paul Heyman.


They hit the ring and Heyman does his introductions. Heyman talks about Seth Rollins and brags on some of Lesnar's WrestleMania history. Lesnar is going to take Rollins at his word when he said it may be his last match at WrestleMania 35 on Sunday. Heyman says Rollins gave us a spoiler when he said that because Lesnar will end Rollins' career on Sunday. Heyman says for those of you who watch hockey for fights, who watch NASCAR for car wrecks, who watch football for riots, this Sunday Lesnar is going to violate Rollins and desecrate the good name of WrestleMania. Fans boo. Lesnar raises the title in the air. Heyman goes on and says then, with Lesnar's foot on Rollins' chest and the title held high above Lesnar's head, again, Lesnar will define the saying that life is not what you want it to be, life is what you make out of it, because Lesnar and Heyman will simply go out to dinner after the match, to discuss what's next in Lesnar's career because Rollins is just an afterthought to Lesnar. The music interrupts and out comes Rollins to a pop.

Rollins hits the ring and faces off with Lesnar. Rollins goes on about how no one wants Lesnar here, not Rollins, the locker room or the fans as they are sick and tired of Lesnar. Fans pop. Lesnar steps to Rollins and laughs. Rollins keeps running him down on the mic. Rollins says beating Lesnar at WrestleMania may be improbably, but it is not impossible. Fans pop again. Rollins says this Sunday, he is going to beat Lesnar, take his title, and there's not a damn thing he can do about it. Lesnar laughs in Rollins' face some more. Fans chant "burn it down!" now. Lesnar walks past Rollins but bumps into him. Rollins drops Lesnar with a low blow kick below the belt. Rollins unloads but Lesnar launches him across the ring with a German suplex. Lesnar goes for the F5 as Heyman cheers from ringside, but Rollins slides out and hits another low blow. Rollins with a kick to the face now. Rollins readies for the Stomp and then hits it. Rollins raises the title over Lesnar as fans pop. Rollins tosses the title down at Lesnar on the mat, then makes his exit.


- Still to come, Beth Phoenix returns for an eight-woman match.

- Back from the break and we see what just happened with Seth Rollins and Brock Lesnar. Charly Caruso approaches for comments and mentions how he could get himself disqualified if he does what he just did on Sunday. Rollins is confident about Sunday.

Nia Jax, Tamina Snuka, Peyton Royce and Billie Kay vs. Beth Phoenix, Natalya, Sasha Banks and Bayley

We go to the ring and the heels are out – Nia Jax, Tamina Snuka and The IIconics – Peyton Royce and Billie Kay, for their first red brand match. WWE Women's Tag Team Champions Sasha Banks and Bayley are also out. Natalya is out next, followed by WWE Hall of Famer Beth Phoenix for her first RAW match since retiring almost 7 years ago. These four teams will do battle in a Fatal 4 Way at WrestleMania on Sunday.

Banks and Peyton start off. Beth wanted to start but Banks tagged herself in. Royce turns it around on Banks but Banks gets the upperhand and in comes Bayley with offense. Bayley with a 2 count on Royce. Bayley with more offense to keep control. Banks tags in and then comes Billie off the tag. Natalya tags in and hits a suplex on Kay for a quick pin attempt. Beth tags in and they double team Billie, stopping her from tagging. Beth and Natalya with another double team. Phoenix with a 2 count. Peyton saves Kay from a double team now. They go on and the four babyfaces argue as we go back to commercial.


Back from the break and Bayley is unloading on Kay in the corner. Royce makes the save and Bayley tries to fight them both off. Kay kicks Bayley off and she lands hard on the floor. Royce brings Bayley back into the ring for a 2 count. Royce argues with the referee as fans start rallying for Bayley. Kay tags back in for the double team on Bayley. They pose together and Kay covers for a 2 count.

Royce tags back in for more double teaming. Royce with boots in the corner as the referee warns her. Fans chant for Bayley. Royce tries to tag Jax but she hops off the apron and avoids the tag. Fans boo. Snuka is also staying out of the match. Kay yells at Snuka and Jax. Bayley drops Kay and looks to turn it around. Phoenix and Bayley have some issues on the apron now. Beth tags in and unloads on Royce. Beth keeps control of Royce and then drops Kay off the apron. Beth plants Royce in the mat for a big pop. Snuka pulls Beth out of the ring and she hits the apron hard on the way down. Beth stares Snuka down on the outside as she recovers now.

Beth charges and rams Snuka through the barrier. Fans chant "holy s–t!" now. Banks and Natalya look on, shocked at what Beth just did. Fans chant "you still got it!" now. Beth and Peyton come back in the ring now. Royce unloads with slaps in the middle of the ring. Beth grabs Royce and hits a big Slam Slam in the middle of the ring. Beth covers for the pin to win.


Winners: Beth Phoenix, Natalya, Sasha Banks, Bayley

- After the match, Phoenix and Natalya stand tall as Beth's music hits. The others recover and look on as we go to replays. Banks and Bayley bring the titles in the ring for a showdown with Natalya and Phoenix.

- Still to come, The Revival defends against Ricochet and Aleister Black.

- A black SUV pulls up in the back. Hometown star Batista steps out and starts walking into the building. We go back to commercial.

- Back from the break and out comes Batista to a big hometown pop.

We see how Triple H agreed to put his career on the line last week. Batista takes it all in as the crowd chants "welcome back!" at him. We cut to a quick video focusing on Batista recently saying how Triple H hasn't defeated him. We come back to Batista still standing in the middle of the ring. He finally speaks and says, "Hunter, kiss my ass."

Batista drops the mic and makes his exit as his music starts back up. Batista greets a few fans at ringside on the way up the ramp. He stops and poses on the stage, then bows for the crowd before heading to the back.

- Still to come, Kurt Angle will say farewell to RAW. We go back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see Elias outside of the venue for WrestleMania 35, MetLife Stadium. Elias says he will headline WrestleMania 35 and this will be the greatest performance of his life. Elias says there will be no interruptions, just a stadium full of people watching him. Elias says he can hear them now, singing along with him. He says big stars like Taylor Swift, Beyonce and Jay Z, and others have performed at MetLife, but no one will be talking about them on Monday, no one will be talking about Seth Rollins or Brock Lesnar or any other WWE Superstar, because everyone will be talking about how 80,000 people walked with Elias.


Apollo Crews vs. Jinder Mahal

We go to the ring and Apollo Crews is already in the ring with Jinder Mahal. We see the other Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal participants surrounding the ring. The trophy is also at ringside on display.

The bell rings and hey go to work on each other. Jinder takes Crews down and keeps him grounded. Crews powers up and backdrops Jinder. Crews with a pair of kicks and a jumping clothesline for a pop. Crews goes to the top and hits the Frogsplash for the quick win.

Winner: Apollo Crews

- After the match, Crews stands tall as his music hits. The trophy is placed on the apron for display. This leads to Superstars brawling and tossing each other out of the ring as it fills up. Titus O'Neil clears the ring at one point. Jinder and The Singh Brothers come from behind and toss Titus over. Crews takes out The Singh Brothers and Titus, sending them back to the floor. Crews stands tall and hits the corner to pose as his music starts back up. Cole reminds us how Braun Strowman is also in the match.

- Kurt Angle and Rey Mysterio are shown backstage talking. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and Renee plugs Yolanda Adams for the "America The Beautiful" performance at WrestleMania 35.


- We go to the ring and out comes WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle for the final red brand appearance of his career. It looks like Angle's match with Rey Mysterio was nixed. Angle takes the mic and says he wants everyone to know how appreciative he is of all the good times and the bad times. From the bottom of his heart, Angle thanks everyone. A "thank you Kurt!" chant starts up now. Mike Rome takes the mic and directs everyone to the Titantron for a video package to celebrate Angle's career. The video features comments from Big Show, Randy Orton, John Cena, Triple H, and more.

We come back to an emotional Angle in the ring. Fans chant "thank you Kurt!" and cheer him on. The music interrupts things and out comes Baron Corbin with a mic. Corbin mocks the video and says it's ancient history. Corbin says the man we saw in the video is not the one we see standing in the ring. Corbin goes on about Angle being in bad , and fans give him the "What?!" treatment. Corbin goes on about people saying Angle deserves someone better for his final opponent. Fans chant for John Cena now. Corbin says they can chant all they want, it won't change anything. Angle says they will wrestle on Sunday, but he thinks they should have an Exhibition Match tonight. Corbin looks to enter the ring but he backs off, and fans boo. Corbin says he will wait until Sunday. The music hits and out comes Mysterio. Corbin enters the ring to avoid Rey. Rey hits the ring and stands with Angle.


Rey says Corbin might not want to face Angle tonight, but someone definitely needs to teach him a lesson in respect. Rey, on behalf of Angle, proposes a fight with Corbin. Corbin says he's not going to do that. Fans chant for 619. Corbin drops Rey with a cheap shot. Angle goes for Corbin now. Rey and Angle take turns on Corbin, sending him out of the ring. Corbin stumbles up the ramp as Angle and Rey stand together. Fans chant "you suck!" now as Angle's music starts up.

- Still to come, Ronda Rousey, Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair team up in a six-woman match with WrestleMania 35 main event implications. Charly Caruso is backstage with Flair now. Caruso asks Flair if she's concerned about the new "Winner Takes All" stipulation. Flair mentions how she will break Becky's leg and make Rousey tap on Sunday. Fair says Stephanie had to change the match because Flair once again changed the game. Flair says the "Winner Takes All" will be all hers. Flair also isn't worried about the stipulation on tonight's six-woman match, she's not a hot head or unprofessional like Rousey and Lynch.

RAW Tag Team Titles Match: Ricochet and Aleister Black vs. The Revival

We go to the ring and out comes Ricochet, followed by his partner Aleister Black. Back to commercial.


Back from the break and RAW Tag Team Champions The Revival, Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder, are already out as Rome does formal ring introductions. Black starts off with Dawson and takes him to the corner. They break from the corner and go at it. Black prevents a tag but Dawson turns it around. Dash tags in for the double teaming in the corner. Black keeps going after boots and a kick from Dash. Black ends up taking Dash down out of nowhere for a close pin attempt. Ricochet tags in and keeps Dash down, focusing on the arm.

Dawson tags back in for a double team in the corner. Dawson works Ricochet around, focusing on the arm and hand, taunting Black. Dash tags back in as the champs keep Ricochet down near their corner. Dawson tags in for another double team attempt but Ricochet avoids it and nails a big double hurricanrana in the middle of the ring for a pop. Black tags in for big double team moves with Ricochet. Black with a close 2 count on Dawson. Black fights both opponents off from the apron. Dawson slams Black face-first into the mat. Black falls to the floor and clutches in pain as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Dawson has control of Black. Dawson with a Northern Nights suplex for a close 2 count. The Revival has continued to focus on Black's arm during the break. Dawson keeps Black grounded by the arm now. Black finally takes out Dawson's legs but Dash runs in to try and stop the tag to Ricochet. Ricochet gets the hot tag finally, and unloads on Dash and then Dawson with a neckbreaker. Ricochet with a close pin attempt on Dash, then a close roll-up. Ricochet sends Dawson out of the ring, then rolls Dash for another close pin attempt. Ricochet can't believe it.


Ricochet with another close 2 count but Dash sends Ricochet into a cheap shot from Dawson at ringside. Dash drives Ricochet down to the mat for another close 2 count as the crowd pops. Dawson reaches for the tag as a "this is awesome!" chant starts up. Black takes out Dash and Dawson on the apron and the floor. They try for the double team again but Black knees Dawson in the face. Dash with a big tornado DDT off the barrier to the floor on Black. Ricochet runs the ropes and leaps over the turnbuckles, taking down both of The Revival on the floor. Fans chant "holy s–t!" as we get a replay of the big dive.

The referee counts while both teams are down on the outside now. Fans count along with him. Dawson tries to make it back in the ring but Ricochet stops him. Dawson pushes Ricochet off and makes it back in at the 7 count. Ricochet tries to make it back in again but his leg is held for the count out.

Winners by Count Out: The Revival

- After the match, The Revival's music hits. Dash grabs the title at ringside and celebrates but Black drops him with a Black Mass. Ricochet rolls Dawson into the ring now. Black levels him as well. Ricochet goes to the top and hits a 630 on Dawson. Ricochet and Black stand tall as the music hits.


- Still to come, Baron Corbin vs. Rey Mysterio. Also, Bobby Lashley and Lio Rush will be here.

- Ronda Rousey is backstage warming up but she's in no mood to talk to Charly Caruso, she's fired up. Rouse says judgement day will be tonight if anyone decides to provoke her.

- We see Roman Reigns backstage. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and we look at SNL's Michael Che and Colin Jost in the 6th Annual Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal at WrestleMania 35. We go backstage to WrestleMania 35 host Alexa Bliss with EC3 and Tyler Breeze. Bliss takes credit for WrestleMania being so good, including having Jost and Che in the battle royal. Braun Strowman appears as they laugh at SNL's Weekend Update. Strowman ends up approaching two enhancement talents, saying their names tonight will be Michael Che and Colin Jost. He orders them to the ring or else they will get these hands when he finds them backstage.

- Dasha Fuentes is backstage with Roman Reigns, asking about the recent Claymore Kicks and attacks from Drew McIntyre. She brings up rumors saying he's not 100% ready for singles competition. Reigns wonders if Drew is making up these rumors. Reigns says let's put the rumors aside because he is 100% and at WrestleMania, he's going to... McIntyre suddenly attacks from the side and beats Reigns down. Drew yells about how Reigns should have turned the challenge down. Drew launches Reigns into production equipment as officials try to get him to back off. McIntyre taunts Reigns some more and leaves. Reigns struggles to get up but he's ready to fight.


The Riott Squad vs. Ronda Rousey, Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair

We go to the ring and out first comes The Riott Squad – Liv Morgan, Sarah Logan and Ruby Riott. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Charly Caruso is backstage with Becky Lynch. She knocks her partners in this match and goes on about how she was forced to make history. Becky hits the ring as fans pop. Out next comes new SmackDown Women's Champion Charlotte Flair to some boos and cheers. RAW Women's Champion Ronda Rousey is out next to a mixed reaction. Rousey, Flair or Lynch will be removed from the WrestleMania 35 main event if they turn on one of their partners in this match. The bell rings and there's tension already. Flair starts off with Ruby.

Flair takes control and delivers several big chops early on, backing Riott into the ropes. Flair works Ruby over as Becky uses a hard tag to tag Flair out. Flair and Becky argue now with Becky begging Flair to punch her in the mouth. Becky goes to work on Riott now. Becky with a close 2 count. Becky mocks Flair and fights all three of her opponents as the other two look on from the apron. The Riott Squad re-groups at ringside as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Logan has Lynch down in the middle of the ring as Rousey and Flair sarcastically wait for tags. Logan runs into a big boot from Becky. Becky launches herself into Logan. Riott tags in but Becky drops her with an enziguri. Logan tags back in and drops Lynch with a knee to the face. Logan with a submission now as fans try to rally Lynch with chants. Liv tags in and swings but Becky unloads on her. Becky with offense and a dropkick. Logan comes back in but Becky fights her off, hitting a Bexploder suplex. Becky takes Liv right back down as she comes back in. More back and forth now. Liv with a roll-up for a 2 count on Lynch.


Flair tags herself in and orders Lynch to get out of the ring. They come face to face. Rousey tags herself in now, and then has words with Flair. More back and forth. Liv comes from behind and tries to put Rousey away. Rousey ends up slamming Liv by the arm and placing her in the arm bar for the submission win.

Winners: Ronda Rousey, Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch

- After the bell, Rousey immediately nails Flair with strikes as the crowd pops. They start brawling. Lynch gets involved now. Lynch, Rousey and Flair all brawl in the middle of the ring as WWE security guards run down to try and break it up. The WrestleMania 35 main eventers start taking the guards out now. Police offers hit the ring to break it up now. Fans boo. Rousey breaks free from one corner and attacks Lynch in the other corner. A cop goes down accidentally and Rousey has her hands cuffed behind her back. Lynch manages to attack Rousey while Rousey is in cuffs. Flair is watching the whole thing from the ramp. Lynch is also handcuffed. Police take Rousey out of the ring first, arms behind her back. Flair runs down the ramp and levels Rousey while police have her. Flair is cuffed up next. Flair, Lynch and Rousey are all escorted up the ramp by police, all three of them with their hands cuffed behind their backs. Rousey continues to fight with police. Flair is also trying to break free. The cameras cut backstage as the three Superstars are loaded into police cars. They just happen to put Rousey and Lynch into the back of the same squad car. They start kicking each other, also kicking the windows of the car out. Lynch is pulled out of one car but she brawls with Flair now, their hands still cuffed behind their backs. Rousey manages to get behind the wheel of one of the squad cars. She drives it into the back of another car. The chaos continues. Police finally calm things down some as two cars are driven away with the sirens on, Rousey is the back of one and Lynch in the back of another. Flair is still resisting as they all watch police drive away with Rousey and Lynch in separate cars. We go to commercial.


Chad Gable and Bobby Roode vs. Heavy Machinery

Back from the break and out comes Chad Gable and Bobby Roode. Tucker and Otis are out next.

The bell rings and Otis goes at it with Gable, leveling him with a shoulder. Heavy Machinery pays tribute to WWE Hall of Famers The Bushwhackers and keep control. Roode tags in and goes at it with Tucker until the music interrupts and out comes Lacey Evans. She struts around the stage and waves to the crowd as Roode watches. Otis also takes a few extra looks.

Tucker fights Roode off from the corner. Otis tags in and unloads on Roode now. Roode fights back and goes for the Glorious DDT but it's blocked. Otis goes to work on Roode and hits The Caterpillar but Gable makes the save.

Tucker and Gable get sent out of the ring. Gable comes right back and is legal with Otis now. Gable comes flying off the top but Otis catches him in mid-air. Tucker joins Otis for The Compactor and Otis covers Gable for the pin to win.

Winners: Heavy Machinery

- After the match, Otis and Tucker celebrate as their music hits.

- The announcers lead us to a video package hyping Kofi Kingston up for WrestleMania 35. They hype Kofi vs. WWE Champion Daniel Bryan.

- Still to come, Rey Mysterio vs. Baron Corbin.


1-on-2 Handicap Match: Braun Strowman vs. "Michael Che" and "Colin Jost"

We go to the ring and out comes Braun Strowman for a Handicap Match against two enhancement talents that he is calling "Michael Che" and "Colin Jost" after the SNL co-stars he will face off with at WrestleMania 35 in the 6th Annual Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and the announcers say Rousey, Flair and Lynch were taken to a local police precinct and read their rights. We go to the ring and Braun is in there with both of his opponents. Braun yells at the enhancement talents and tells them their names for tonight. He immediately starts destroying them. He goes on and runs them both over on the outside of the ring a few times. Braun brings them back into the ring and nails a huge double clothesline in the corner. Braun then delivers two big running powerslams in a row.

Braun grabs both opponents at the same time as they struggle to get up now. Braun plants them with a double powerslam in the middle of the ring, slamming them both at the same time. Strowman covers for the pin to win.

Winner: Braun Strowman

- After the match, Braun stands tall as his music hits. Strowman marches up the ramp after replays.


- We get a look back at what happened with Seth Rollins and Brock Lesnar earlier tonight.

- We go to the ring and out comes Lio Rush and WWE Intercontinental Champion Bobby Lashley. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and the announcers hype WrestleMania 35 Week on the WWE Network.

- Charly Caruso is in the ring with Bobby Lashley and Lio Rush now. She asks about how Finn Balor earned his WrestleMania 35 title shot last week, and if there's any concern for Balor.

Rush interrupts and says last week's win was a fluke because Balor didn't even pin Lashley. Rush says Lashley won't have to deal with that dead-weight Jinder Mahal at WrestleMania and the only concern they will have is where the WrestleMania after-party in New York City is at, because it sure won't be here in Washington, DC. This gets Rush some local heat.

Caruso asks Lashley about rumors of The Demon King showing up at WrestleMania. Lashley says he's been fighting for a long time so if we think he's scared of some little Irish fairy tale, we're out of our minds. He says Balor is The Demon and The Demon is Balor, and he dominates Balor every single time they meet. Balor suddenly appears on the big screen. He says Lashley should be concerned because he's always had demons, and his demon will be Lashley's nightmare at WrestleMania. Balor quickly re-appears as The Demon. He taunts Lashley with his tongue out. Lashley and Rush look on from the ring and Rush is shocked. Balor's music hits.


- Back from the break and The Demon is confirmed for WrestleMania 35.

Rey Mysterio vs. Baron Corbin

We go to the ring for tonight's main event and out comes SmackDown Superstar Rey Mysterio. The announcers go over the WrestleMania 35 card as Rey does his entrance. Baron Corbin is out next and Rome announced him as Washington, DC's favorite son, among other things. Fans boo as Corbin makes his entrance.

The bell rings and they go at it to start. Corbin tries to cut Rey's speed out of the equation. Rey ends up with Corbin on the floor, sending him into the barrier. Rey watches from the ring as Corbin talks trash and plays to the crowd for boos. Corbin returns to the ring and overpowers Rey but Rey counters, sending Corbin over the top rope to the floor. Corbin lands hard. Rey charges but Corbin meets him at the ropes with a big right hand. Corbin smirks as he takes control and we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Corbin has been dominating Rey. Corbin works Rey over on the floor and brings him back in the ring. Corbin tries to yank the mask of Mysterio off now. Rey lands hard from the top and may have tweaked the knee. Corbin goes right to work on the knee now, keeping him down in the corner. Rey ends up on the floor and he's having trouble walking. Corbin stalks him and launches him into the barrier. Corbin plays to the crowd some more and mocks Kurt Angle.


Corbin talks more trash and takes his time bringing Rey back into the ring. Rey rocks Corbin with a kick to the face and keeps the strikes going. Corbin quickly shuts Rey down again. Corbin follows to the floor where Rey is again. Rey runs into a big clothesline from Corbin. The referee counts Rey out as Corbin returns to the ring. Corbin goes back to the floor and keeps the beatdown going on Rey. Fans boo as Corbin takes his time with Rey. Rey counters in the ring and tries to apply a Sleeper hold on Corbin in the middle of the ring. Corbin swings Rey off him. Corbin charges in the corner but Rey moves. Rey runs the ropes and catches Corbin in a big tilt-a-whirl DDT. Rey covers for a 2 count.

Corbin kicks Rey away as he tries to twist him up in the middle of the ring. Rey springboards up from the apron and somehow sends Corbin into position for the 619. Rey nails it for a pop. Rey goes to the top to Drop a Dime but Corbin moves out of the way. More back and forth between the two. Corbin manages to catch Rey in a Deep Six out of nowhere for the pin to win.

Winner: Baron Corbin

- After the match, Corbin stands tall as his music hits. We go to replays and come back to Corbin pointing at the WrestleMania 35 sign. Corbin exits the ring after actually main eventing the final RAW before WrestleMania 35. Corbin stands tall on the ramp and plays to the crowd some more. Kurt Angle comes from behind and takes Corbin down on the ramp. Angle applies the ankle lock and keeps it locked for a minute or two as fans pop. Angle finally breaks the hold and stands tall as officials are out. His music hits as we go to a replay of the earlier backstage segment with police, Becky Lynch, Ronda Rousey and Charlotte Flair. The final RAW before WrestleMania 35 goes off the air with Angle standing tall on the stage.

