Kenny Omega Tries To Plan AEW Fyter Fest, Young Bucks Mock Cody Rhodes (Being The Elite Recap)

Below are highlights from the latest Being the Elite:

* Christopher Daniels asks Britt Baker if she wants to do an SCU bit with him. She says no and is still mad with him about what he and Frankie Kazarian did to Adam Cole a couple years ago. Baker says she's just kidding, she's over it, but does have a surprise for him if he closes his eyes. Daniels says okay, the camera pans back to Daniels' holding Joey Ryan's package, he then opens his eyes, and ends up getting flipped by Ryan.

* Kenny Omega is with a group of people in the Fyter Fest Control Room. Omega is trying to put the finishing touches on his show, but things aren't going so well for him. He's not getting the food her wants, then has to try and negotiate on the phone with "Robert Downey Jr." to get him to show up.

* MJF talks with his butler, Walter, who says he found the carbon copy of Adam Page, so MJF can train for his upcoming match. MJF isn't happy with the pick, but trains with him anyways. MJF tells Walter that Page has a bum knee, Walter smacks the guy with a chair so MJF can lock in the sharpshooter.

* Matt Jackson says he and his brother will be the Florida Supercon in Miami in July.

* Referee Rick Knox see Luchasaurus getting ready to drive with Jungle Boy on his shoulders (they have the sun roof open). Knox demands they get out or he's going to start counting. They don't initially move until he starts up his count. Knox says he doesn't have to do everything with Jungle Boy on his shoulders, especially because it's not legal to drive like that. While putting on his glasses, Luchasaurus responds, "With all due respect. I have a Master's Degree."

* Peter Avalon looks to be thinking about something as Brandon Cutler rolls up and says he's glad to see Avalon going "all out" with his gimmick. Cutler asks Avalon if he's talked with Leva Bates. He says he hasn't and she makes him nervous, but he feels connected. Cutler says the EVPs are still hot on the gimmick. Avalon says maybe they can be called "The Librarians."

* Christopher Daniels is shown on the floor, still in pain from getting flipped by Joey Ryan.

* Clips shown of The Young Bucks in Mexico, checking out some merchandise before their match.

* Promo for AEW Fyter Fest. Wrestling Inc. will have complete live coverage this Saturday, beginning at 7:00 pm ET.

* Young Bucks are stuck in an airport. Matt is watching their loss to Pentagon Jr. and Fenix in AAA. Nick says it's the fifth time he's watched it and is trying to figure out what went wrong.

* BTE Mailbag: Kenny Omega was asked if one of the Joshi wrestlers at Double or Nothing was the 9 year old girl Kenny work with in DDT Pro. Omega said no, the girl was seven and she was a member of the Stardom roster. Omega said he did team with Riho back in 2008 when she was 11 and worked matches all the way up to 2015. Says he's very proud to have her on the roster. After skipping over a bunch of negative question, MJF goes with the question asking "Why is everyone so jealous of your star power? You are highly underrated and it's a shame you're not automatically AEW Champion." MJF says he doesn't disagree at all and that person is completely right.

* Nick and Matt mock Cody's post-match "I need my older brother" comments to Dustin Rhodes at Double or Nothing. They both have a laugh, Matt says "and they said we're corny, lord have mercy." The two teams will meet at AEW Fight for the Fallen.

* Back to the Fyter Fest control room, Omega is still talking with "Robert Downey Jr." on the phone, but it sounds like he's not showing up. Omega tries to book someone from Full House, but the people in the room keep shooting down why they can't make it. He tries to figure out a musical act, but Ariana Grande was busy.

* Alex Jebailey is sitting at the computer trying to figure out how to get the show on track with only a week to go, but Omega is now nowhere to be found. Jebailey says, "I bet he's dancing," camera cuts to Omega playing Dance Dance Revolution.

