Daniel Bryan Says He'll Make "A Career-Altering Announcement" On WWE SmackDown Live Tonight
As we previously reported, Daniel Bryan went on a rant after he and Rowan lost the SmackDown Tag Team Titles to The New Day during the triple threat match with Heavy Machinery at WWE Extreme Rules on Sunday night. Bryan said that he tried to take the tag team division to the main event and failed, before realizing that it was the other tag teams that brought him down.
"I don't think that it was me that failed," Bryan continued. "I think in pursuing this excellence, they brought me down to mediocrity. I was trying to elevate the tag team division but they're un-elevatable. Do you hear that? Un-elevatable. If I want to change the planet, if I want to save the planet, I have to... I have to aim higher. I have to aim higher. I have to go where Daniel Bryan has not gone before. I know exactly what I have to do..."
According to WWE.com, Daniel Bryan will be making "a career-altering announcement" on tonight's episode of SmackDown Live. WWE.com added that "Bryan has promised that this will change the course of his career and shake SmackDown LIVE to its core."
Bryan was originally announced for the "Cross Brand All-Star Top 10 Battle Royal" on last night's RAW, however was replaced by Sami Zayn shortly after. Seth Rollins ended up winning the match to earn a WWE Universal Championship shot at Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam.
Marc Middleton contributed to this article.