WWE NXT Superstar Dominik Dijakovic Asks Taz On Twitter If He Can Use Finishing Move

WWE NXT Superstar Dominik Dijakovic took to Twitter this week and asked former ECW Champion Taz if he could start using the Tazmission maneuver as his finisher.

The tweet has since been deleted, but Dijakovic wrote, "Hello @OfficialTAZ, do you mind if I start using your Tazmission hold on WWE programming and events to defeat my opponents? I have found it to be a very effective maneuver. Thank you."

Taz responded, "I actually care very much, I appreciate you asking me. On twitter in a public forum is not the right way for this discussion to happen. Privately is the proper way."

Dijakovic did delete his original tweet but he posted a GIF of the move, which you can see below. He added, "Nobody will beat me. Nobody will survive. Feast Your Eyes on the Tazmission."

Dijakovic returned to action back at the July 20 NXT live event from Cocoa, Florida, his first match since April 19. He defeated Cezar Bononi. Dijakovic had been out of action with a torn meniscus. He underwent surgery in May and was reported to be out of action for three months.

As seen below, Taz talked more about the move and Dijakovic's request with fans on Twitter.

The ECW Original apparently agreed with a fan who said Dijakovic shouldn't be using submissions as his finisher because he's a giant. He also responded with "BULLs–t" to a fan who wrote, "More of these stupid "unspoken rules of wrestling" that are antiquated. Guy probably doesn't how to reach you, and btw... it's not the property of Taz. He hijacked it from someone else, it existed before him."

The Human Suplex Machine later wrote, "I need to say this. Every suplex I did was special to me and my finishing choke was well thought out and done with good logical reasoning and it's still very near and dear to my heart. they weren't just "moves" or a 'holds'."

You can see the related tweets below:

