Cody Rhodes Checks In With Adam Page (Being The Elite Recap)
Below are highlights from the latest episode of Being the Elite:
* Nick Jackson shows Private Party a card trick. He has them show the card to the camera (king of spades). Nick asks them to pull a card from the deck, as Marq Quen does it, he ends up pulling MJF's scarf merch from the deck. Nick then pulls a eight of hearts from the deck, Private Party say no and laugh. Nick then coughs up the king of spades. Private Party call Nick a "witch," cut to Nick surrounded by AEW merchandise and yelling "merch freak."
* Clips shown from this past Wednesday's Dynamite. We see Cody go out to the ring for his segment, DDP waits backstage for his cue to show up as Cody's backup.
* Buffet line, Leva Bates cuts in line ahead of Peter Avalon, the referees aren't a fan of that, but Rick Knox lets it go.
* Clips shown of Young Bucks beating Best Friends and accept Santana and Ortiz's challenge for Full Gear. Backstage, Brandon Cutler congratulates them on their night and says the Bucks are back.
* Backstage, the doctor is working on Orange Cassidy's thumb. The Best Friends come in and need medical attention, but the doctor says Cassidy needs his attention. He tells Cassidy he's going to have to take it down a notch for the next couple minutes, but then isn't even sure if he's even awake.
* Adam Page on the phone, gets stopped by Cody who feels like he hasn't had a chance to talk with Page. Page says that's true, it might be partly because he and Brandi have their own dressing room now. Cody says that's true, The Young Bucks and Kenny Omega also have their own room. He wonders if it bothers Page, but says his room is Page's room. Page says okay, we're good, and have each other's backs. Cody says if Page's mind is taking him outside of the group, he gets it, but wouldn't recommend doing that. Page says it's not like that and he's good. Page says, "Good luck with Jericho," Rhodes responds "Hell yeah" and goes it for a handshake/hug, but just gets hand slap from Page and he heads off. Cody looks at him for a moment, then goes into his room.
* Backstage, Peter Avalon is in tough shape after his match. Leva Bates asks him if he's okay and if he's hungry. She says in her research, she learned that Pittsburgh is the home of the Big Mac. Avalon wonders if she also knew burgers make you fat and heads off. Bates looks hurt from his sudden exit.
* Clips shown of Jon Moxley vs. PAC going to a time limit draw and Moxley giving referee Paul Turner a DDT.
* After the tapings, Cody Rhodes, Darby Allin, Nick Jackson, and Matt Jackson need to close the show. Matt comes out, Nick wonders where his Young Buck shirt. Matt comes back out with all the recent merchandise Nick has wanted him to wear. They then throw a bunch of merchandise, pieces of tables from the last match, and even hand out a chair to the crowd. The crowd wants Cody's watch, he says he can't do that, but he'll give up his tie. MJF tries to get him to stop, crowd boos, Cody does it anyways.