NWA Powerrr Recap (11/12): Wildcards Defend Against Kingston & Homicide, Question Mark Debut

Welcome to Wrestling Inc's live coverage of the National Wrestling Alliance's weekly episodic, Powerrr. Today's show was taped from the GPB Studios in Atlanta Georgia, and streaming on the official NWA Facebook and Youtube Pages. Feel free to sound off in the comments, and enjoy the show.


The RetroMania Wrestling video game starring NWA world champion Nick Aldis plays. His announces that the NWA arena and roster will be made available to the game. (First announced last week). Footage of Thunder Rosa's debut win is shown. Opening package shows tweets from fans and fellow wrestling industry stars, like Edge, who praise the show.

Recap of last week's main event, when Homicide and Eddie Kingston defeated the Dawsons thanks to an assist from the Rock 'N' Roll Express, who fought off the Wildcards at ringside.

NWA Powerrr intro song.

Joe Galli and Jim Cornette welcome us to another exciting hour of NWA Powerrr. They shoot us over to Dave Marquez at the interview desk. He's joined by the Rock 'N' Roll Express. Huge pop from the studio crowd. Morton says that he's excited for Kingston and Homicide to get a fair shot at the NWA tag team titles. Morton jumps in and calls the NWA the number one promotion, and that he's happy to be there. Kingston and Homicide and come out. Kingston calls Rock 'N' Roll the best tag team in the world, and that having their stamp of approval is all they'll need in their title matchup later tonight.


We go to the ring for our opening contest.

Caleb Konley versus Trevor Murdoch

Tie-up. Headlock from Murdoch. He runs right through Konely with a shoulder bump. Pace picks up...Konley sends Murdoch to the mat with a monkey flip, then follows up with a dropkick. Chops to the chest. Murdoch catches Konley on a charge...spinebuster. Murdoch hits a big right hand. He taunts Konley by calling him sunshine. Huge knee to Konley's face followed by a powerslam. A second from Murdoch. Crowd calls for a third...he gives it to them. Konley retakes control on a double-stomp out of the corner. He gains position...jumping senton. Konley goes for a German suplex...Murdoch switches behind but Konley picks the ankle and connects with a standing double-stompf or a nearfall. Springboard moonsault from Konley...Murdoch gets the knees up. He picks Konley up...full-nelson slam. Murdoch climbs...top rope bulldog. It's over.

Trevor Murdoch wins by pinfall

Commentary tells us that Kamille will be speaking for the first time tonight. Commercial for NWA Into the fire PPV plays.

Flashback to last week, when Ricky Starks defeated Aron Stevens in a 2-out-of-3 falls matchup. Starks won in a sweep. Back to the live show, Galli speaks with Aron Stevens. Stevens says he is no longer apart of the NWA. Crowd cheers. "I am no longer apart of professional wrestling. What happened here last week was a miscarriage of justice." Fans start chanting "goodbye." Stevens responds, "It's obvious why Broadway isn't located in Hotlanta." He ends by promising to go back to California, and never return to this hell hole again. "I bid you all a fond adieu."


Recap of Thunder Rosa's attack on the women's champion Allysin Kay. Marti Belle would assist in the attack. That sets up the following tag match.

Marti Belle/Thunder Rosa versus Brooklyn Creed/Crystal Rose

Belle and Creed begin. Wristlock from Creed. Rose tags in quickly. She continues to work the arm. Creed right back in. Belle drops her with a big right hand and tags in Rosa. Rosa unloads stiff chops to Creed's chest. Corner lariat and knees to the face in succession by Rosa. She knocks Rose off the apron, then hits a basement dropkick. Rosa to the top...double-stomp to the back of Creed. Belle cuts off Rose. This one is done quick.

Thunder Rosa/Marti Belle win by pinfall

In a post match interview, Marti Belle admits she didn't know much about Thunder Rosa, but that she chose to stand alongside her because this is her future. Rosa starts speaking in Spanish, while Belle translates. "I had a vision. A fire that cannot be extinguished. Allysin Kay has no idea what's coming to her." This ends the segment.

Another preview for the Mark. He will be revealed next. NWA world champion Nick Aldis is announced for an event in Queens, New York.

We see footage of Colt Cabana winning the NWA National championship from James Storm on last week's episode. In an unseen clip, James Storm says that the match was not fair, and that he demands a rematch. He quickly changes his mind. "I've got bigger fish to fry. I'm not worried about these tadpoles. Nick Aldis...I am coming after the killer whale. Believe me when I say it...when I find you...your ass is mine."


Colt Cabana interview. He's asked how it feels to be the new champion. Cabana expresses his enthusiasm. He says that his title victory wasn't just for him, but for everyone watching at home. He recalls losing the title to Storm when he was hurt, but that once he was healed there was no question. "I am a fighting champion Marquez. I'll fight anybody." Ricky Starks comes out and circles Cabana. Starks says that he's sold on gold before eyeballing Cabana up and down.

Our next matchup. Dan Parker is already in the ring...the Question Mark comes out.

Dan Parker versus The Question Mark

Parker unloads strikes to start. Mark slows him down with a clubbing forearm. Parker charges...Mark gets a boot up, then hits a middle rope missile dropkick. A huge haymaker...and Mark wins his debut.

Question Mark wins by pinfall

Commentary wonders who could be under the mask. Question Mark poses for the crowd.

The RetroMania Wrestling arcade game commercial plays again.

Footage of Thunder Rosa's Combate Americas fight debut from last weekend is played. Despite going the distance, Rosa lost by decision after three rounds. NWA teases more footage in the future.

Back to Galli and Cornette. Gallis says he still has questions about Kamille, and why she has yet to speak. Eli Drake comes out. "Why isn't Kamille talking," asks Drake. "I don't give a good goddamn." Drake teases that Aldis may be keeping Kamille from speaking so she won't reveal secrets. Drake says that the only name in Kamille's mind is Eli Drake. The Wildcards come out. Latimer tells Drake to mind his own business. An intense confrontation takes place, but Mr. Anderson stands by Drake. Wildcards leave. Anderson then cuts a promo. "I heard you're looking for a guy with a big mouth?" He whispers his name to the delight of the crowd.


A message from NWA owner Billy Corgan. He thanks the fans for their support, and announces that their upcoming pay per view is sold-out.

Advertisement for Tony Falk's wrestling farm.

Back from break...the Tim Storm and Nick Aldis conversation from last week's episode is played. Back to the live broadcast, world champion Aldis speaks with Joe Galli. "I see and hear a lot of people here in the NWA talking about what they deserve. As the world's heavyweight champion...as the real world's champion...it's my responsibility to remind you that this business owes you nothing." He lists his recent accolades, including standing next to wrestling legend Harley Race. "There's a reason that the NWA is at where it's at...and you're looking at it." Aldis then reveals he'll be at ringside during the upcoming tag title match to ensure there are no shenanigans.

Main event time. Outlaw Inc is out first, followed by the champs. Here we go.

The Wildcards versus Eddie Kingston/Homicide for the NWA Tag Team Championship

Brawl from all four men to start. Latimer and Kingston take their fight to the outside. Homicide hits a belly-to-belly on Isaacs. Isaacs responds with a powerslam. Tandem offense from the Wildcards. Latimer, who is now legal, charges Homicide in the corner...Homicide gets a boot up. He goes to the ropes...tornado DDT. Kingston tags in...Homicide throws Latimer into Kingston's lariat. Cover...only two. Latimer rocks Kingston with a spinning heel kick. Isaacs slows the action by choking Kingston over the ropes. Quick tags from the champs. They trap Kingston in their corner and wear him down. Crowd tries to rally Kingston back into the bout...big urangai. He brings Homicide in! Homicide runs through Isaacs, then nails Latimer with a running forearm. Another high-angle slam from Homicide to Isaacs. Hip-toss/sliding lariat combo from Outlaw inc. Kingston gets hits with a DDT. Latimer back in...Kingston shoves him into the turnbuckles...corner splash. He goes for a suplex...his knee buckles. Latimer goes after the hurt leg. Homicide and Isaacs come in...every gets knocked down by lariats. Loud "NWA" chants. Homicide dumps Latimer to ringside. Isaacs sets up for a superplex but Homicide blocks it...Latimer nails Homicide and Isaacs pushes him to the apron. Pop-up powerbomb...dragon suplex. Kingston can't kick out.


The Wildcards win by pinfall and retain the NWA Tag Team Championship

As soon as the match is over Kamille comes out and starts speaking with Aldis. She's pointing at the Wildcards threateningly. James Storm comes out to confront Aldis, as well as the Dawsons. Things are looking like they're about to get out of hand.

That's the show friends.

