Congressman Compares State Of The Union Address To Professional Wrestling, Paige & Others Respond

Congressman Tim Ryan's recent social media post caught the attention of several wrestlers. He compared tonight's State of the Union address to professional wrestling.

The congressman tweeted, "I just walked out of the #StateOfTheUnion. I've had enough. It's like watching professional wrestling. It's all fake."

Popular indie wrestler Effy was one of the first to reply, "Don't u dare bring me into this, Tim."

Former WWE and Impact star Gail Kim replied, "We aren't fake. TRUMP IS. We don't deserve to be lumped into his category. TRUMP= unpredictable and FAKE. WRESTLING= predetermined and physically REAL. We are the escape from this reality."

WWE star Paige commented, "You leave wrestling out of this!!"

Dolph Ziggler shared an article from NBC News about the congressman's comments and wrote, "As a fan of pro wrestling, politics & Congressman Ryan, I see many similarities between the jobs we so passionately do... such as; it's only real when we win."

Drake Maverick replied, "You're 'fake' constantly so that you get what you want out of life" and NWA star Kamille tweeted, "If this guy thinks political twitter is bad, he obviously hasn't felt the wrath of Wrestling twitter yet."

Below you can see their tweets:

