ROH Episode 438 Recap: PJ Black In Action, Villain Enterprises Vs. La Faccion Ingobernable

A video package is shown highlighting PCO recently defeating Rush via Disqualification to retain the ROH World Championship following involvement from La Faccion Ingobernable, Villain Enterprises & NWA Worlds Champion Nick Aldis after the usual ROH signature video package.


Ian Riccaboni and Quinn McKay check in backstage. They throw to highlights.

Highlights are shown of Flip Gordon defeating Flamita at Honor Reigns Supreme, with Gordon ripping Flamita's mask after the match.

PJ Black and Brian Johnson are shown backstage. Black tries to give Johnson about what needs to change. Johnson stops him and tells him that he will see him in the ring.

Highlights are shown of Bully Ray calling out Maria Manic at Saturday Night At Center Stage with The Allure's Angelina Love & Mandy Leon then assisting Bully Ray in splashing Manic through a table.

The Bouncers (Brian Milonas & Beer City Bruiser) make their entrance. Brian Johnson & PJ Black make their entrance.

The Bouncers (Brian Milonas & Beer City Bruiser) vs. Brian Johnson & PJ Black


Black and Milonas lock up. Milonas pushes Black to the mat. Black ducks a clothesline attempt by Milonas. Black goes for a cross-body, Milonas catches him. Black escapes and locks in a head-lock on Milonas. Milonas sends Black to the ropes. Milonas hits a shoulder-block on Black. Later in the match, Johnson locks in a head-lock on Bruiser on the mat. Johnson puts his feet on the middle rope to gain leverage, Black kicks his feet away. Johnson locks in another head-lock on Bruiser on the mat.
Johnson puts his feet on the middle rope to gain leverage again but is caught by the referee this time. Bruiser strikes Milonas in the midsection. Black tags himself in. Black strikes and kicks Bruiser. Bruiser clotheslines Black.

Black tags Johnson back in. Johnson connects with a forearm to Milonas on the apron. Bruiser slams Johnson to the mat and tags Milonas in. Milonas hits a shoulder-block on Johnson before clotheslining him as well. Milonas hits a back body drop on Johnson. Milonas splashes Johnson in the corner. Milonas hits a running cross-body on Black and Johnson. Milonas tags Bruiser in. Bruiser and Milonas go for their Closing Time finisher on Johnson. Black hits an Ensiguri on Milonas. Black connects with a boot to Bruiser from off the top rope. Johnson grabs a chair. Black grabs the chair from Johnson. Bruiser pushes Johnson in to Black. Bruiser and Milonas hit their Closing Time finisher on Johnson. Bruiser pins Johnson for the win.


Winners: The Bouncers (Brian Milonas & Beer City Bruiser)

Black and Johnson are shown backstage. Black is attempting to teach Johnson a breathing exercise. Johnson walks off. Black says that this is going to be harder than he thought.

La Faccion Ingobernable's ROH Television Champion Dragon Lee, Rush & Kenny King (with Amy Rose) make their entrance. ROH World Champion PCO, Brody King & Marty Scurll of Villain Enterprises make their entrance.

Villain Enterprises (PCO, Brody King & Marty Scurll) vs. La Faccion Ingobernable (Rush, Dragon Lee & Kenny King)

Scurll and Lee lockup. Scurll locks in a wrist-lock on Lee. Lee takes Scurll to the mat with a single-leg takedown. Lee locks in a headlock on Scurll. Scurll sends Lee to the ropes. Scurll hits a shoulder-block on Lee. Later in the match, Scurll launches Kenny into a head strike from Brody. Scurll holds Kenny for Brody to hit a Running Senton on him. Brody hits a Suicide Dive to the outside on Lee and Rush. PCO hits a Senton on Kenny on the apron.

Scurll pins Kenny for a two count. Scurll locks in the Chicken Wing on Kenny. Kenny rolls backward to turn it into a pin attempt for a two count on Scurll. Scurll strikes and chops Kenny. Scurll and Lee exchange strikes on the turnbuckle. Lee and Kenny club the back of Scurll. Lee and Kenny hold Scurll for Lee to hit a Double Stomp from off the top rope on him. Kenny pins Scurll for the three count.


Winners: La Faccion Ingobernable (Rush, Dragon Lee & Kenny King)

Rush, Dragon Lee & Kenny King celebrate to close the show.

