XFL Live Results: New York Guardians V. DC Defenders

With both teams winning the first game of the XFL relaunch, it is time to see who is better. The New York Guardians travel to Washingon, DC to take on the Defenders. Can Cardale Jones continue his hot streak? Which defense will come out on top?


DC will host New York inside Audi Field. The game is on ABC and will air at 2 p.m. ET. Stay tuned as LIVE updates will be provided throughout the game.

Guardians Inactives

* Justin Stockton | RB
* Jeremiah McKinnon | CB
* Garrett Brumfield | OG
* Ian Silberman | OC
* Keenen Brown | TE
* Jarrell Owens | DE

Defenders Inactive

* Logan Tuley-Tillman | OL
* Dorian Johnson | OL
* Jalen Rowell | WR
* A.J. Tarpley | LB
* Kalani Vakameilalo | NT
* Sam Montgomery | LB

Defenders start the game off hot right away, with Khari Lee catching a pass on third down near the end down. QB Cardale Jones, who was unstoppable last game out, throws a perfect pass to Eli Rogers. Rogers already has 50 yards. The Guardians' defense hasn't managed to find a way to stop Jones early, as DC calls their first timeout before a third-and-11. Cardale Jones managed to run the ball down the field, even rushing for 14 yards.


DeAndre Thompkins caught the ball for the 13-yard TD with 7:04 left in the first quarter. Defenders try for a one-point play but do not get it.

NY: 0 | DC: 6 with 7:04 left in the first

Guardians get the ball, and Marquise Williams gets the direct snap. QB Matt McGloin goes for a wide-open Joe Horn Jr. but misses him by just a little bit. New York has not been able to make clear passes compared to when they did in week one. RB Darius Victor gains some ground for a first, but the ball drops out of his hands thanks to S Rahim Moore. The fumble by the Guardians allows the Defenders to take the ball away.

Multiple members of the Guardians are on the floor as Shamarko Thomas almost got the penalty for a blind hit. Both benches cleared, if just for a moment.

NY: 0 | DC: 6 after the first quarter


Second-quarter begins, with Jones throwing a wide-open shot to DeAndre Thompkins, who drops the ball.

On second and goal for the Defenders, with a 10-play, 50-yard drive, the team gets stopped. Now, on third and goal, "Courthouse Right" is called. Flag by the offenses De'Ondre Wesley. Jones gets Pressley ut couldn't get the first down. A field goal attempt (27 yards) is good!

NY:0 | DC: 9 with 11:14 left in the second

Austin Duke runs the ball up the field for the Guardians following a kickoff. Total yards so far: Defenders have 146 yards to the Guardians' 39. McGloin throws to Mekale McKay to get to 3rd-and-2. He then throws it past the 50, but is intercepted by former Baltimore Raven Matt Elam.

On first and ten, Jones throws to Eli Rogers who just missed the ball. Jones goes for "Chicago Potter" but continues to overthrow the ball.

Guardians have the ball, and RB Tim Cook runs the ball to make it 2nd-and-2. Austin Duke could not come close to a perfect pass by McGloin. On 3rd-and-2, Anthony Johnson runs the ball in for the first down. Fumble off the snap by McGloin was able to recover the ball. McGloin is 3-for-11 as he just throws the ball away, getting the penalty for intentional grounding.


Justin Vogel punts the ball, and Eli Rogers runs it to the 41-yard-line for the Defenders.

On 3rd-and-8, Jones throws and the ball is almost intercepted by Guardians' Bryce Jones, but he drops the ball. Hunter Niswander punts the ball for the Defenders but takes a delay of game with 2:57 left in the second quarter. Duke takes it and is down at the 15.

A run check is called, but before the snap could be taken away, the two-minute warning was called.

On 2nd-and-6, the Guardians continue to provide pressure on McGloin and the Defenders. On third down, Tim Cook catches the ball, but a penalty is called on the Guardians' Avery Young. Guardians had the first and the penalty costed them. A punt by the Guardians on the Defenders' 20 with 1:15 left in the second. Jones throws the ball all the way down the field to Rashad Ross for a 40-yard gain. Jones is unable to capitalize though, and the punting team comes out. A 36-yard attempt by Rausa is stopped by a timeout by the Guardians. Rausa's kick is good!

NY: 0 | DC: 12 with 26 seconds left in the second quarter


A punt allows Austin Duke to run just a few yards with 21 seconds left. McGloin throws it to Tim Cook but is stopped. Time is stopped during the last few minutes of play. With nine seconds left in the half, McGloin is dropped by the Defenders' Jay Bromley. McGloin says the whole entire gameplan needs to change coming out of the half.

NY: 0 | DC: 12 at half-time

Defenders come out of the half getting to the 27-yard-line. McGloin and coach Kevin Gilbride had a private conversation with one another.

On 3rd-and-6, Jones is able to throw to Donnel Pumphrey for the first down. The defense of the Guardians appears to be sharper than the first half. TE Khari Lee is able to catch the ball but gains no true momentum. On 4th down, Niswander kicks the ball and the Guardians run it to their own 25. Cooks runs for the first down on 2nd-and-2. "West Batman" is called and Cook runs up to the 45. McGloin is intercepted by Jameer Thurman as he runs up the field for the touchdown. DC goes for one point but they come short.

NY: 0 | DC: 18 with 9:59 left in the game


Austin Duke is brought down right as he gets the ball for the Guardians. At 1st-and-15, Cook is dropped right away. McGloin trying anything to get some sort of momentum. On 3rd-and-15, McGloin throws to Joe Horn. Guardians kick on fourth down, and it lands on the 40.

Donnel Pumphrey runs it down the field, looking for a first. Pumphrey with a huge gain as he heads into the opposite territory. Pressley now runs the ball for a gain of 17. Jones throws it to a wide-open Khari Lee for what seemed like a TD, but a penalty was called on the offense, forcing it to be 3rd-and-21. Jones throws an interception to D'Juan Hines, the first turnover for the Defenders.

Guardians' offense continues to struggle, as they are losing yards instead of gaining. McGloin is down, but there is an offside flag call on the Defenders. Guardians get to Colby Pearson but don't get the first down. Guardians kick the ball as the third quarter comes to an end.


NY: 0 | DC: 18 at the end of the third quarter

Today's attendance: 15,031.

Pumphrey to Jones to Thompkins for a wide-open throw. Jones dropped the ball, recovered and threw the ball to Thompkins for the first down. Play fake to Ross for an 18-yard gain. Defenders are at the red zone, and on 3rd-and-3 Pumphrey makes a great catch that puts them at the one. Multiple flags by the offense result in two five-yard penalties. Jones continues to run down the clock, as eight minutes are left in the game.

Jones misses Rogers for the touchdown. 26-yard FG attempt by Rausa is good.

NY: 0 | DC: 21 with 7:18 left in the fourth

McGloin is out of the game, and Marquise Williams is in. Guardians are 1/9 when it comes to 3rd downs. New York with a timeout with 5:50 left as they decide what they want to do. 4th-and-3 and the Guardians were going to punt the ball, but changed their mind. Williams gets McKay for the first down. Williams, the fresher man, is throwing it down the field. Williams is hit as an upset McGloin airs his grievances on air.

On 4th-and-17, Williams throws the ball and misses, forcing the ball to change hands. DC decides to run the football at four minutes left in the game. as time winds down. Jones gets Ross all the way down the field as the two-minute warning hits.


Jones throws it to Derek Hayward for the touchdown. The Defenders are going for a three-point play, but miss.

NY: 0 | DC: 27 with 1:24 left in the fourth

Guardians' Colburn is able to run to the 35-yard line. Williams is dropped by the Defenders' defense with 00:55 left in the game. Redding catches a ball by Williams but is short of the first. On 4th-and-5, Williams appears to get the first down. Flag forces a repeat of fourth down with ten seconds left. Guardians run down the clock, with a great effort shown by Williams. The game has ended, with the crowd going wild for the Defenders.

Final: NY: 0 | DC: 27

