Cody Rhodes Blames Himself For Stardust Gimmick By Not Capitalizing On His Earlier Work

Cody Rhodes has often been asked about his Stardust gimmick since he has left WWE. He has explained that the character was Stephanie McMahon's idea. He has also talked about why the gimmick didn't work and how the character led him to leave WWE.

Stardust was around for two years. Cody stated on Twitter said that that the lack of push for Stardust was not WWE's fault. He went further to explain his mental state at the time and that the real crime was not being given a push during his run in 2010-2012 where he was "Dashing" Cody Rhodes and he wore a protective mask and won the Intercontinental Championship. However, Cody put the blame on himself.

Cody tweeted, "Not pushing Stardust wasn't the crime, the character had broke me and I was a subpar performer under the paint during that period.

"The crime was not capitalizing on 2010-12 where I was cooking with gas and my live event work was top level consistent.

"In the end, blame is on me."

You can view Cody's tweet below:

