Impact Wrestling Results (3/10): Elgin Vs. Edwards (Best Of Five Series-Finale), Knockouts Challenge

Welcome to Wrestling Inc's live coverage of Impact Wrestling, which airs every Tuesday on AXS TV, as well as on Impact Wrestling's own Twitch channel at 8 pm EST! Be sure to chime in on your thoughts about tonight's show in the comments section below. Additionally, share our live coverage through social media. Make sure to click the REFRESH button to continue to get the most current up to date coverage. Above and below is what's on tonight's agenda for Impact.

Commentators Josh Mathews and Don Callis welcome fans to a brand new episode of Impact! The first match of the night is announced.

Madman Fulton (with Dave and Jake Crist) vs. Rhino

Jake and Dave try to distract Rhino after the bell rings. The referee ejects them from ringside. Dave and Jake are mad, but they leave. Fulton comes in swinging with several right hands. Fulton spears Rhino in the corner. Fulton goes for a lateral press cover, Rhino kicks out at 2. Fulton keeps the shots coming and then yells out "oVe." The audience replies in unison with "Sucks." Fulton waits for Rhino to get back up. Once Rhino is up, Fulton sends him down again with several hard chops. Fulton locks in a cobra clutch hold. Fulton breaks the hold and climbs to the second rope. He flies off, only to be met with the canvas. Rhino moved out of the way in time. Rhino is back up and ducks a punch from Fulton. Rhino starts to build the momentum with an elbow strike and a few clotheslines. Rhino sets up the Gore position. As he is running towards Fulton, Fulton counters the Gore with a big boot to Rhino's face. After a few back-and-forth exchanges, Rhino finally lands the Gore and wins the match.

Winner: Rhino

Post-Match: Jake and Dave Crist come down to the ring and attack Rhino. The lights turn off and when the lights come back on, Sabu is standing in the ring! He takes out Dave and Jake.

Backstage: Tessa Blanchard tells Gabby Loren that she will be watching Michael Elgin and Eddie Edwards' final best of five series match closely.

Up next, some tag-team action!

Desi Hit Squad (Rohit Raju & Shera) vs. Rascalz (Dez & Wentz)

Dez and Raju begin the match. Raju takes Dez down with a shoulder tackle. Dez gets back up and lands a second rope moonsault on Raju. Dez with the cover, Raju kicks out at 2. Dez tags in Wentz. Wentz locks Raju's arm and tags Dez back in. Raju drags Dez towards his corner as he tags in Shera. Shera grabs hold of Dez and powerslams him. Raju now becomes the legal man and goes for a lateral press cover, Dez kicks out at 2. Dez escapes the Desi Hit Squad's corner and tags in Wentz. Wentz comes through with a few strikes and a strong kick towards Raju's chest. Shera breaks the Rascalz up with their signature move. Shera chokeslams Dez and covers, Wentz comes in to break the pin. Rascalz pull through with a Swanton and win the match!

Winners: Rascalz

Backstage: Katie Forbes is getting rid of her provocative clothes. Rob Van Dam asks if she is sure she wants to do this. She's 100 percent sure. The Deaners grab hold of her old clothes and ask why she is getting rid of them. Joey Ryan comes in and tells them that it's Forbes' decision on how she wants to look, and if she wants to throw away her old clothes, she can. Ryan and RVD challenge The Deaners to a match next week.

After, we see a vignette from Tenille Dashwood.

Speaking of Knockouts, Jordynne Grace makes her way down to the ring for an open challenge for the Knockouts Championship.

Jordynne Grace vs. Lacey Ryan (w/Madison Rayne) for Knockouts Championship

Ryan locks Grace up. Ryan pushes Grace into the ropes. Grace reverses and pushes Ryan into the corner. Grace plants a shoulder tackle. Ryan gets up and lands a shoulder tackle back. Ryan climbs to the top rope and gets slapped by Grace. Grace sends Ryan down on the canvas. Ryan climbs back up and lands a flying elbow. Ryan covers, Grace, kicks out at 2. Ryan puts Grace in an arm lock. Grace turns Ryan over for a pin, Ryan kicks out. Grace flies in with running knees, followed by a snapmare. Ryan kicks out at of pin and fires back with a basement dropkick. Grace with two powerslams. Ryan flies off the top rope with a frog splash. Ryan with another cover, Grace kicks out. Grace sets Ryan up for the Grace Driver and lands it. Grace retains the Knockouts Championship.

Winner: Jordynne Grace

Backstage: Fallah Bahh has an epiphany. He says that he and TJP could be the first Filipino tag team champions in Impact history if they beat The North for titles.

After, the Impact Plus Moment of the Week is shown.

Backstage: Chris Sabin is getting interviewed by Loren on his backstage role in Impact. Moose interrupts Sabin by asking about the TNA: There's No Place Like Home event on April 3. Moose will be competing in the King of the Mountain match. Moose cannot stand the rules of it, and Sabin does not care.

Next, a video package leading up to Michael Elgin and Eddie Edwards' Best of Five Series finale match is shown. Both men are currently tied at 2-2.

At the Bar: Poor Taya Valkyrie. She is very upset that she lost to Blanchard last week. Rosemary is sitting at the end of the bar and comes over and confronts Valkyrie.

At the time of this recap (9:04 PM EST): "ICU" has hacked into Impact's official Twitter account. This photo was posted:

Up next, a handicap match.

Glenn Gilbertti & Johnny Swinger (The Swinging Disco Balls) vs. Willie Mack

The referee makes Swinger take the brass knuckles out of his pocket before the match starts. Swinger and Mack square up. Gilbertti is tagged in. Mack counters with a hip toss. Gilbertti tags in Swinger. Gilbertti kicks Mack in the back. He grabs a roll of quarters from underneath his armpit and smacks Mack with it, while the referee's back is turned. Swinger distracts the referee again for Gilbertti. The fans begin to chant "Check his pockets." Gilbertti with a side Russian. Ace Austin runs down to the ring. Mack is surprised that Austin wants to be his partner in this match. Mack tags in Austin. Austin comes in with a spinning kick, followed by a rolling flip off the top rope. Swinger runs in and Austin and Mack slam Swinger and Gilbertti into each other. Austin lands the Fold, he tags in Mack, who lands the six-star frog splash on Gilbertti. Mack picks up the win.

Winners: Willie Mack & Ace Austin

Backstage: Su Yung sneaks up on Havok. They continue their brawl from last week. Yung puts the mandible claw on Havok and puts her in a coffin.

Backstage: Swinger and Gilbertti are fighting over whose fault it was that they lost the match. Gilbertti says that he quits.

Next, the third episode of Gut Check is shown.

And now, the main event!

Michael Elgin vs. Eddie Edwards (Best of Five Series – Final Match)

Elgin slams Edwards down on the mat, then grabs him and sends him towards the turnbuckle face-first. Elgin lands multiple forearm strikes. Edwards counters. Edwards is sitting on the top rope. Elgin climbs up to the second rope and tries to position Edwards for a powerbomb. Edwards counters. Elgin finally grabs hold and lands the powerbomb on Edwards. Their match will continue after the break.

After the break, Edward closes in with an elbow. Elgin sends Edwards flying over the top rope. Edwards climbs back into the ring and flips over the top rope, sending Elgin down on the outside. Elgin and Edwards are back in the ring. Elgin with a DDT, covers Edwards, who kicks out at 2.

Back from the final break, Edwards and Elgin exchange forearms in the middle of the ring. Neither man is able to knock the other one down. Edwards breaks the back-and-forth bout with a belly-to-belly suplex, followed by another one. Edwards positions Elgin in the backpack stunner position and successfully plants it. Elgin gets up and lands a tiger suplex. Elgin sends Edwards flying with a dragon suplex off the top rope. Elgin with the cover, Edwards kicks out at 2. Edwards lands on his feet after a German suplex. Edwards with a power driver, followed by a tiger driver. Edwards covers, Elgin kicks out at 2. Elgin sends Edwards crashing with an Elgin Bomb. Elgin covers, Edwards kicks out at 2 and it surprises Elgin. Elgin accidentally clotheslines the referee. Edwards lands the Boston Knee Party. Another referee makes his way down to the ring to count the pin, Elgin kicks out at 2. Elgin locks in a crossface. Edwards pins Elgin, but the other referee saw Edwards tap out of the pin. A third official and Scott D'Amore make their way down to the ring to figure out what just happened.

Blanchard comes out with a microphone. She says that at Rebellion, she'll face both Elgin and Edwards in a triple threat match for the Impact World Championship!

That concludes this week's episode. Thanks for watching!

