Zack Ryder's "Million Dollar" Toy Collection, Lance Storm Makes Disco Inferno Joke, Drake Maverick

- Above, Drake Maverick was on the latest Superstar Savepoint on UpUpDownDown to play Xavier Woods in International Superstar Soccer (1994).

- Yahoo! Lifestyle had a spotlight on Zack Ryder's "million-dollar toy collection." Ryder is well-known for his impressive toy collection, featuring numerous wrestling figure lines. The article had a video featuring his collection and an interview with Ryder. During the conversation, the WWE Superstar talked about protecting his investment.


"Over a million [dollars] for sure," he says, making sure to specify that he spent the amount over the 34 years of his life. Obviously, with that kind of investment, he's taken some precautions. "I have insurance just for the collectibles, the door's locked, there's security cameras, motion sensors, glass break alarm."

- WWE Producer Lance Storm cracked a joke about former WCW star Disco Inferno in regards to last night's SmackDown, which was done in front of zero fans.

"Shame they didn't book @TheRealDisco on #SmackDownOnFox tonight. He's used to working in front of this type of crowd reaction."


